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Q: How often does an egg eating snake eat?
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Do all snakes eat fleash?

There is an egg eating snake, but no snake is a vegetarian, they all eat live/freshly killed/unfrozen animals

Which snake like to eat bird eggs?

There is a specifically recognised species - called an egg-eating snake. It belongs to the colubrid family of snakes, and is a member of the Dasypeltis family. See the related link to Wikipedia for a comprehensive article - including pictures of the snake eating and egg.

Can we eat a snake's egg?

No. If you tried to eat one....... Ouch.

How does an egg-eating snake eat an egg?

What happens is... The snake swallows the egg whole and, as it passes down towards the stomach, there are sharp spines protruding into the snakes body which slit the egg open as it passes over them. The contents of the egg go down to the stomach and the snake regurgitates the unwanted shell.

How much does a egg eating snake cost?

I got mine for about 250 with shipping

What snake eats a egg?

the ones that eat egss of course

What kind of snakes eat eggs?

yes some snakes do eat their eggs many babys never get to see the world

What happens you get bitten by an egg eating snake?

Nothing !... Egg-eating snakes are not venomous so - if you're bitten by one, simply clean the bite area with antiseptic, and cover with a plaster or bandage.

Is a snakes herbivores?

no. snakes need vitamins and minerals that are provided in mice, rodents, rabbits etc. the only exception is the egg eating snake.

Are there any snakes that don't eat meat?

Yes, There AreAlmost all snakes eat meat. Vegetarian snakes are an interesting concept, but they don't exist. Snakes catch their prey live; in captivity it is only with difficulty that they can be induced to eat already-killed creatures.There are some snakes that don't eat meat, such as the egg-eating snake species of Africa and India (Genus- Dasypeltis) that feed exclusively on eggs.But, there are no herbivorous snakes, meaning there are no snakes that can feed and live off of plant matter.

When can you eat a egg?

you can only eat a layed egg when its throughly cold in the fridge for about 2 hours or so this is because the egg has to be cold in order to be eating because you can eat them warm but they might have salmonella in them and you may get sick from it.

Is a snake hatched from a egg?

Yes a snake is hatched from an egg because the snake is an cold-blooded reptile.