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The first 48-72 hours, they should be fed every 2 hours. For the remainder of the first week, they should be fed every 3 hours during the day with two 4-hour stretches at night. The second week, the feedings should be every 4 hours during the day with one 6-hour stretch during the night. By the third week, they should be started on puppy mush 3 times a day and the bottle feeding should be continued. Prepare the puppy mush by placing 2 cups of high quality dry puppy food in a blender with 12.5 oz liquid puppy milk replacer and fill the rest of the blender with hot water. This should be blenderized until the consistency of human infant cereal. (This feeds 6-8 puppies of a medium-sized breed.) By the fourth week, the mush should be fed 4-5 times a day and the amount of bottle feeding can be slowly reduced. The middle of the night feeding can be reduced and eliminated also. They can be completely on solid food by 6 weeks of age. {| ! colspan="2" | Recommended Caloric Intake |} {| ! Week ! calories/pound/day | 1 60-69 2 70-79 3 80-89 4+ 90-100 Divide the daily caloric requirements into the 6-12 feedings required for their age. Expect an eight-ounce (1/2 pound) puppy to consume about 30 ml (one ounce) of formula over a 24-hour period. Most milk formulas contain about 60 calories per ounce of formula, thus the eight-ounce puppy will consume about 30 calories in a 24-hour period. This is a guideline only and it is better to feed lesser amounts more often than large amounts at one time. If the puppies are not gaining weight, they need more food. If the puppies develop diarrhea, they may be overfed. Weigh each puppy at the same time a minimum of once a day for the first 10 days. Then 3-4 times a week for another 10 days. Failure of weight gain is often the first sign of illness in young animals. twice * Three times daily is better for a puppy of this age. |}

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14y ago
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11y ago

Puppies nurse every two hours when they are born for the first week, then they will gradually go longer between feeds about every three hours by week two and every four hours by week three to four. Bitches often don't feed their pups without help and encouragement.

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14y ago

Puppies need to be fed more often than adult dogs because of the way their digestive system works at that point. They are used to nursing off of their mother many times a day. I would suggest trying to feed your puppy 3-4 times a day. Once your puppy stops growing as much you can start cutting back on meals but increasing the amounts of the other meals. My 2 year old Rottweiler still gets 3 meals a day, but she has digestive problems. It really does depend on your dog. Talk to you vet if you have more in depth questions about your dog in particular.

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12y ago

You shouldn't be feeding a puppy that is 2 weeks old. A puppy that young should still be nursing from the mother. However, if nursing is not a possibility then you should consult with a veterinarian about what type of replacement formula and feeding schedule would be ideal for your puppy.

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12y ago

the puppy should be by the mother at all times. they would drink from the mother when she moves to them or the pup moves to her. you must keep the puppy with the mother till about three to five months. member keep there shots updated from virus.

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11y ago

Our kennel feeds twice a day on a regular schedule (morning and night). Do take into account the quality of food. Pups need a considerably more protein rich food to develop properly.

You can't buy it in the grocery store. Talk to a reputable breeder (ask your Vet and several others, then ask the breeder what they've feeding). Vets have a vested interest in selling particular foods. Ask a breeder that doesn't.

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At least 3. When you have breakfast, feed it. When you have lunch, feed it. When you have dinner, feed it. But just to be safe, if you are going out of the house, give it a fresh new bowl of water & food. At least 3. When you have breakfast, feed it. When you have lunch, feed it. When you have dinner, feed it. But just to be safe, if you are going out of the house, give it a fresh new bowl of water & food.

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Just like when we were kids, our parents let us eat normally...For me, it means not to many but not too less...Just like a weaning puppy, don't let it eat too many or too less...Maybe let the puppy eat grinded soft food with a bit of rice or puppy food that is also soft....But if it's newborn, of course it will only drink milk from the mother for at least 3 - 3 1/2 months...Hope you are satisfied...

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