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A 3 day old calf should be nursed 3-5 times a day depending on its size and strength.

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Q: How often should a 3 day old calf nurse?
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every day

How many pints of milk should a baby calf drink in a day?

That all depends on the age and weight of the calf. Typically a calf should recieve 10% of its body weight in milk replacer per day.

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At least 6 times a day.

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Most antibiotics are administered twice a day. You should speak with a vet and pharmacist to be sure your calf is getting the proper dosage.

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As much as they can

Can you feed electrolytes and milk re-placer to a baby calf in the same day?

No. Should be either or. Electrolytes if calf has scours, milk replacer if it's healthy.

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depends... did you feed it during that first week?

How do you know if a calf is getting enough to eat?

A hungry calf is a healthy calf. Don't feed a calf too much other wise it will scour. Otherwise, you know a calf is getting enough if you are knowingly keeping on top of regular feedings and watching it grow day by day. A healthy calf is a calf that's not lethargic, sickly-looking and interested in eating.

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A calf with only four teeth is a newborn calf, or one that is just a day or two old.

How often should you have a urinalysis?

All day ERrry day

How much does a calf eat in a day?

the average Irish calf can eat between 5 and 6 leprecauns per day with some light water refreshment

How many squats and calf raises to do inable to dunk?

I do 200 squats a day and 200 calf raises