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About 2-4 turds from dawn to dusk! :)

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Q: How often should a 3 year old have bowel movements?
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What is wrong if your sister had a colostomy over a year ago and she still has bowel movements?

It depends what you mean by bowel movements. If you mean ones still from the anus, you need to see the doctor who did the surgery.

Why does 1 year old have foul sour smelling light yellow bowel movements?

cuz he ate ur terrible cooking

How can you get your 14 year old Pekingese dog to stop urinating and pooping on the floor?

He might be incontinent. You might have to get a diaper for him, as he can't control his bowel movements. I have a 12 year old Gordon Setter that I purchased a diaper for. These things come with age, dear.

How often should a colon cleanser be used?

In general they should be used 4 times a year. Listen to your body and watch your stool as you may need more or less. An early colon problem such as constipation or Irritable Bowel Syndrome can be a warning sign of colon cancer.

How do you get 6 year old to wipe after bowel movement?

If he is reasonably normal as far as intelligence, has no physical issue, then yes, he should be able to do it himself.

What is irritable bowel symdrome?

Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS as known is a type of functional disorder which mainly affects the human digestive system. In order to get diagnosed from IBS, it is vital to have experienced any from a group of specific symptoms over 12 weeks or more of the most recent year. The symptoms always include discomfort and abdominal pain such as Pain which can be eased with defecation, fluctuation in bowel movements and also changes in the appearance of stools.

How often should you engage in sport target shooting with a firearm in a year?

As often as you can.

How often do they get shots?

they should get shots once a year.

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twice a year

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Every year

How often should an angora goat be shorn?

Twice a year.