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You should have all of your soldiers medically fitted for hearing

protectors and have your soldiers' hearing checked ANNUALLY by medical


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Q: How often should a Soldier have a hearing test?
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Related questions

What should you do if you can't hear the person you're chatting with?

My advice is get to the doctors and get a hearing test!

If your daughter fails her hearing screning test in her left ear does that mean her right ear is fine?

No; the test should be done on each ear separately. However, it CAN happen that she fails the test on one erar and passes it on the other, which would mean that the ear that passed is fine. Remember that a failed hearing screening test does not necessarily mean there is any hearing loss, the results should be corroborated by further testing.

What test assesses the hearing in both ears?

The test assesses the hearing in both ears

What hearing test involves both eyes?

Non, a hearing test involves EARS not eyes.

What is the audiometry test for?

Audiometry test is for hearing

What is a hearing test?

A hearing test is a test where you might put on headphones and, in some cases, you will be told to listen and say e.g. beep when you hear a beeping noise. It just tests your hearing.

Why hearing test is important?

Hearing Test is important because it can find what you can't hear. There are different hearing tests such as Otoscopic inspection, Speech tests and so on. Many clinics such as Art of Hearing provides hearing tests.

What are the steps in hearing test?

* * * * * * *

Is a record of hearing called an audiogram?

An audiogram is a record of hearing. It is what laypeople call a hearing test.

Which hearing test uses tuning fork?

Weber test

What do you call a person that gives you a hearing test?

The person who gives hearing test is called as an Audiologist. In Art of Hearing the audiologists are skilled at using a range of techniques and equipment to assess hearing health. Also provides free hearing check for adults.

What is used to test your hearing?
