

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a type of anxiety disorder that occurs after a traumatic event such as a natural disaster, war or assault.

180 Questions

How is PTSD diagnosed?

PTSD is typically diagnosed through a clinical interview where a mental health professional assesses an individual's symptoms, history of trauma exposure, and the impact of those symptoms on everyday life. The diagnosis follows criteria outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) which includes symptoms such as intrusive memories, avoidance, negative changes in mood and cognition, and arousal/reactivity. Other assessments and tools may also be used to confirm the diagnosis.

Which characters in all quiet on the western front could have ptsd?

In "All Quiet on the Western Front," many characters could have PTSD due to their experiences in World War I. Some characters who exhibit symptoms of PTSD include Paul Baumer, Müller, and Katczinsky, who all struggle with the psychological effects of war such as nightmares, hypervigilance, and emotional numbing.

My Husband has ptsd. why does this lead him to have multiple affairs?

There's no correlation between the two.

That said, if he is self-medicating his PTSD with alcohol, or another drug that acts as a dis-inhibitor, then there would be a likely increase in behavior that is impulsive or inappropriate.

How do you cure a traumatized goldfish?

yes, goldfish can get traumatized. if the are scared enough, they might get sick or even jump out of their tank if their isn't a lid on it.

Is true concerning post combat stress?

It is a long term reaction to combat and operational exposure

What are the effects of PTSD for some one in the military?

Post traumatic stress disorder is common among soldiers because of the times of their lives where soldiers saw or did things that were disturbing to them. Soldiers come back from fighting and will always remember the things that they did/saw, which may give them night terrors, flashbacks, and other symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder.

Why should you always take action when you suspect abuse?

If you are a mandated provider you have a legal obligation to report child abuse to your local social services agency(CPS). The first thing is to call and talk to a social worker, but your next step is to fill out the proper form within 48 hours after your call. A mandated provider is a teacher, nurse, daycare provider, doctor. If a report is not done the provider can be arrested for not reporting the abuse and telling a supervisor doesn't count. If you are not a mandated provider you can call CPS on your own and talk with a social worker. You will be required to write out why you think there is child abuse on the forms they will provide.

What is medication PTSD?

Research shows that a new treatment called EMDR is the single most effective treatment for anxiety, posttraumatic, and similar disorders. Amazingly, it entails only a series of visual exercises that are able to stimulate the brain in a prescribed manner. There is a website that provides these exercises online, on a free trial basis - At this site, the exercises are available via computer instantly and in the privacy of your own home.

How does ptsd affect life in adulthood?

PTSD can have many different effects depending upon the severity and the context. PTSD can do anything from making it more difficult to sustain relationships to feeling extreme anxiety when leaving the house to being unable to concentrate or work.

When can Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder develop?

It really depends on what the trauma was. How long did the trauma last? The age of the individual. etc. There are so many other variables. But in the long run PTSD, can occur decades after the trauma. I am still dealing with my trauma and it ended in the late 1970's. So be prepared for this to be a long lasting problem. With therapy and medication it symptoms of PTSD can be lessened. Also it will lessen with time by itself. This may not be all good news. I just think you would appreciate a real answer to this question.

What are the most common symptoms for PTSD?

The three main types of symptoms of PTSD are re-experiencing the traumatic event, avoiding reminders of the trauma, and increased anxiety and emotional arousal.

Can verbal or emotional abuse lead to ptsd?

The hippocampus is involved with memory. While it participates in verbal memory, it plays a particularly important in the memory of "context," or the time and place of events that have a strong emotional bias. Memories associated with strong emotions--such as fear—are marked in such a way that the memory retains its vividness in a very persistent way. This is what happens in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Can post traumatic stress disorder cause you to hear voices?

Absolutely. Although hallucination is and delusion are not specific criteria of PTSD, However, it is not uncommon for people with severe PTSD to either suffer psychotic symptoms or have co-morbid diagnoses such as psychotic disorders. There is a growing discussion that PTSD with psychosis should be a potential specifier in future DSM revisions and rewrites.

It's understandable when you consider the severity of symptoms that are involved in a diagnosis of PTSD. Cognitively trauma halts several processes and distorts them. Over time, if untreated or unrecognized, there are clear pathways for distortion to become delusion and hallucination. There is also the possibility that one of two other events occurred. First, if someone had a predisposition towards psychosis, trauma could bring it out. Second, if the trauma were in the formative years and repetitive (in the case of complex PTSD), a psychotic disorder could be formed over time.

How many American soldier suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?

About 1 in 8 returning soldiers have PTSD, but far fewer seek help.

What are the most common treatments for PTSD?

Research shows that a new treatment called EMDR is the single most effective treatment for anxiety, posttraumatic, and similar disorders. Amazingly, it entails only a series of visual exercises that are able to stimulate the brain in a prescribed manner. There is a website that provides these exercises online, on a free trial basis - At this site, the exercises are available via computer instantly and in the privacy of your own home.

Why would a teen girl shave her head?

In a society that places high value on the appearance our hair it seems like an odd thing to do doesn't it? It could be she is just expressing herself though. Hair grows back, so unless there are other symptoms of something else going on with her, she probably just wanted to shave her head. Shaved heads feel nice and cool, and if society was not so appearance centric I imagine many more females would shave their heads, especially if they knew how wonderful it feels.

What are the symtoms of ptsd?

PTSD patients re-experience an event over and over again in one of several ways. They may have frightening dreams or memories of the event or have flashbacks. They may become upset during the anniversary of the particular event.

The symptoms fall into three categories:

1. Re experiencing the event, which disturbs day-to-day activities: Flashbacks, recurrent memories of event, and physical reactions to stimuli that reminds patient of event are all part of this category.

2. Avoidance: Patients may feel emotionally "numb" or detached. They have a lack of interest in normal activities and have trouble expressing their moods. They will avoid anything that may remind them of the traumatic event. In extreme cases, many will feel as if they have no future.

3. Arousal: Difficulty concentrating and having a exaggerated startled response are often viewed in patients with PTSD. Many also become hyper-vigilant and become irritable or display outbursts of anger. Sleeping difficulties is not uncommon with PTSD patients. Some patients also experience feelings of guilt, anxiety, stress, and tension.

Physical Symptoms include dizziness, agitation, fainting, heart palpitations, fever, headache, and paleness.

How can you help someone with post traumatic stress disorder?

There is no way to "treat" PTSD. The best way you can help your friend is to seek professional help for them. They need to work through the trauma.

How can one retaliate against narcissistic lover?

Ignore him. I mean completely ignore him. They are good at reading even the slightest cues so you have to TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY REMOVE THEM FROM YOUR LIFE. This will cause in them a Narcissistic Injury and they will go into a rage so be sure you are safe. Also remember they LOVE revenge and backbiting to ruin your good name.

How has the occurrence of PTSD changed over time?

it changed because more and more people think that it is a joke and they get a lot of brain damage

How do you tell if someone has ptsd?

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can develop following a traumatic event. Symptoms includes Avoiding reminders of the trauma, Increased anxiety and emotional arousal.