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Every day. Make sure to give it fresh food and water every day when you get up.

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Q: How often should i fill up my hamster's bowl?
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What are a hamsters daily needs?

First of all, Hamsters like to run on wheels during the night or day. but you also have to re-fill your hamsters food bowl everyday. Also every one or two days make sure to change or re-fill your hamsters water. And of course clean out your hamster cage at least once a week.

How many times do hamsters have to be fed?

If you have a bowl for your hamster, and a cage, all you have to do is fill up the bowl and the water cup and the hamster is smart enough to know howe much to eat. When the bowl is emptty, refill or else he/she will starve.

How many times should you fill your hamsters water?

You must give them fresh water daily

How Much Should I Feed My Dog, Layla?

Well Anna, you should fill half way up on the bowl. you are welcome!

Two of water might fill a fish bowl?

Two litres of water might fill a fish bowl.

How do you fill a bowl of water on runescape?

Get/Make a bowl, then use it either on a sink, tap or a fountain to fill it up with water.

How much do dwarf hamsters eat a day?

You shold fill it's bowl up and put more food in once it's empty which takes about a week for me, the length of time may be differant depending on bowl size and what you are feeding it but standard hamster food is the best thing with some veg.

How do you measure four liters of no freeze on poptropica?

You fill the dog bowl, then pour what was in the dog bowl into the other bucket. Then fill the dog bowl back up. That is all you have to do.

Do you fill the guinea pigs bowl full up?

Yes you do!!! you fill it up at least 2-3 inches above the bowl

Would a mole of hamsters fill the earth?

Of course, human. Your kind cannot escape our furry wrath. ~The Collective Hamsters of Earth

How do you fill 4 liters for Wimpy Wonderland?

You fill it in the bowl then put it in the cup what was in the bowl and then put te gallon ovr the bowl again. Ur welcum -JJ <3

How often should you check your oil?

once a week or every fill up.