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Usually, you should keep a cell phone for around three to four years. Some of the new, high-tech cell phones do not last as long as the older ones. Depending on how old your cell phone is, you should either keep it for 2-4 years (newer ones) or 3-5 years (older ones). If your cell phone is having glitches, is not receiving proper texts or other messages, or any other problems like this, you should most definitely take it in to get fixed (but almost all problems like this are unfixable) or get a new phone.

So, for the most part, you will know when to get a new cell phone by what problems it is having, if any at all.

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14y ago

There are really only two reasons to replace a cell phone. First, if it no longer works, no longer meets your needs or if you want a better model. The other reason to replace one is if you can get a better plan by doing so.

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If your provider will replace the phone for free under warranty, then yes. Otherwise, you are better off to purchase a gently used phone on one of the free classified ads wesbites.

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Yes. A 12 year old should have a cell phone. They should be mature enough to handle a cell phone. My daughter's are triplets and they are all very responsible about what they do on there phone. I think that 12 year old's should have a phone.

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It is often best to purchase a cell phone at the cell phone shop. When you sign up for a service plan you can almost always get a phone at a great discount or sometimes free.

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You should be over eighteen yaers old and should have a job so that your can pay for your cell phone.

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your cell phone turns off automatically because it probably is losing battery and needs to be charged. or it could be that it just happens to the phone! you should check the reviews a phone before you buy it and make sure this doesn't happen often.

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