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once a day spiffing chap

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Q: How often should one water a garlic plant?
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with water

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every day

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3 times a day

How often do I need to water cactii?

You should water it every month. Also water is directly on the soil not the plant.

How often do u feed and water a cotton ivory plant?

You should feed a cotton ivory plant once a month with plant food. You should water it just enough to get the soil moist but do not over water. Also, you should let the soil dry just a bit before each watering.

How often should I water a tree?

The day you plant it, you should water it daily for 2 weeks, then after that, you should water it every 3 days for 3-10 weeks. After about 10 weeks from planting, you should water the tree weekly.

What should you water a plant with?


How often do you water tomato plants?

Tomato plants that are planted in the garden should have a minimum of 1" of water per week. If the plant is growing in a container it should have at least 1 gallon of water per day.

How often should you water potted plants?

Just water plant until water comes out of the bottom.

How often should you water a Ipomoea Alba Moonflower tropical plant?

Often enough for the soil to be moist but not soggy all the time. One cup a day works for me.

How often do you water a snapdragon plant?

stupid personwtf

How deep should garlic be planted?

When planting garlic cloves in the fall (the proper time to do it), they should be planted 2 to 2 1/2 inches deep, base down. Cover and tamp down. When planted in the spring (which will result in smaller bulbs at harvest) they should be planted just below the surface. Keep well weeded - garlic hates competing with weeds. And plant only large cloves, if you want good-sized heads. Small cloves make small heads.