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Q: How often should you shower your Jack Russell puppy?
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How often should you deworm your puppy for tape worms?

You should only deworm for tapeworms when there is evidence that your puppy has tapeworms. Always consult your veterinarian if you think that your puppy has parasites.

What age should a Jack Russell puppy leave its mum?

it would need to be 8 weeks old to leave its mum

Can you shower a nine year old puppy or is it dangerous?

do it!

Jack Russell and Shi Tzu both pure breeds had a liter of puppy's what would the puppy's be called?

I've just got a jack russell shih tzu cross puppy. He's called a jack tzu.

At what age is it safe to shower a puppy?

at least 4 weeks

How much should you pay for a chihuahua x Jack Russell x Yorkshire terrier puppy?

between 200 and 280 dollars Australian

Your puppy had deworming pills twice from a vet since birth how often should your puppy get deworming pills?

Puppies should be dewomred at 2,4,6, and eight weeeks old.

How much do Jack Russell puppy cost now in 2011?

Well i got my Jack Russell for just about $100.

How much would a Maltese cross Jack Russell Puppy be?


How often should you feed a six week old Jack Russell puppy?

Three times a day. A half of cup in the morning, a cup in the afternoon and a half a cup before 7:00pm.

How many time should a puppy shower in summer?

About 5 times maxi mus each month because if you do it too much the naturl oils will be drained and the skin will be ugly. the hair will fall out and the puppy will have diarrhoea, correct? yes

Can dog soap be used for bathing German shepherd puppy?

Hold him gently in the bath tub and let him see and sniff the shower handle, turn it on and sooth him and gradually bring it over him. He'll be fine.