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Q: How often should you water a pilsocereus cactus?
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How often should you water a balloon cactus?

once a week

How often do you water a rose cactus?

Watch the national weather report. When it rains in Tuscon, Arizona, then water your cactus.

How often should you water a Zygo cactus?

For light, watering, and temperature on the Zygo Cactus:Please see related link below.

How often should you water a saguaro cactus?

Not very often because cactuses are designed to live a long period without water. I would suggest once every week is fine.

How often should you water cat grass?

A cactus should be watered at least once a week. It can be watered two times a week if the soil is very dry.

What is cactus water?

It's water from a cactus! The cactus has collected that water!x

Why does your cactus shiver when watered?

The cactus will shiver when watered which is a response to absorb water. It should not be sprayed but instead water the soil only when it becomes dry.

How often should you water a cycas palm plant?

Cactus only need to be fed once a year in the spring. Answer. Treat any cactus or succulent like any othe house plant in the summer and water and feed it normally. In the winter hold off the feed and water and only give some water when neccesary.

How often should a mam backebergiana cactus be watered?

I water my Mammillaria cacti once the soil has dried out completely. This is recommended for all cacti, it is better to water them not as often rather than regularly because if you get root rot then your cacti will die.

What is the diet of the cactus wren?

cactus and cactus water

What plant is the most important in the oasis?

The cactus is the plant most often linked to the desert. Cactus thrive in the hot environment with limited water, they are often how animals get water.

What time of year should you plant a cactus?

Summer due to amount of water evaporated by the cactus.