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Q: How old are foxes when they leave their mothers?
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What is old mothers proverb and what does it mean?

Old mothers proverb was that if one of you leave, the other must leave without him

How old do dwarf hamsters have to be to be held?

Hamsters leave their mothers at 2 weeks old. After this it is o.k to hold them.

When do snow leopard cubs leave their mothers?

The bobcat cubs leave their mothers at least 5 months old maybe less

How old can a kitten leave its mom for good?

Kittens should not leave their mothers until they are AT LEAST ten weeks old, preferably twelve or thirteen weeks.

How old must a baby hamster be before it can leave its nest?

Syrian hamsters continue to feed on their mothers until the 28th day from birth. Baby Syrian hamsters must leave their mothers as soon as it reaches 4 weeks old.

What can a hamster drink at 1 month old?

Puppies leave their mothers at 2 weeks old so assuming you mean on their own then yes the can.

Do full grown gray foxes make good pets?

no it could have rabies especialy the old ones leave it in the wild where it belongs

Do pandas have to leave their family at a certain age?

Usually panda cubs leave their mothers after a few years. The mother will push her cub away if she becomes pregnant.

When do Arctic foxes leave their mother?

4 months

How old are red foxes when they have babies?

Female red foxes will have their first litter of kits when they are barely a year old.

How long peacocks stay with there mother?

They watch them grow up until they are six weeks old. The mothers leave and live the rest of their life.

Why do black mothers leave there kids?

What the hell what kind of a question is that!!!!! Black Mothers hardly ever leave there childer its usally the Father if you really wanted to know!!