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You can have STDs at birth from the mother, up to any age.
If the 13 year old boy is having oral sex or intercourse then he could get an std.
STDs - as the name suggests - are usually caught through sexual intercourse, so the question is, when do you start having sexual intercourse. However, STDs can also be transmitted by other means; unborn babies can get them from their mothers.
Yes it is very possible if she is sexually active.
Yes, anyone can have, get or give STDs
Yes, it doesn't matter what age group the person has to be. Transmission of HIV can include all age groups.
It is entirely possible. Not only are some thirteen-year-olds sexually active, but many STDs, such as herpes, can be passed on through means other than sex.
You can get one at any age if you hae had sex
Unfortunately at any age.
Yes you can get STI's at any age unless you use a condom.

You could also get pregnant.
No, there isn't a certain age to contract HIV or a STD. It can happen when sexual contact occurs with an infected person. wrong!!!!!! theire is certain amount#
Any age if you are sexually active
STDs do not form, but are transmitted by someone who has the infection to another person through sexual contact or at birth. There is no age at which someone can't get an STD.

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