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you have to have 3 karma points and 2 living horses!

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Q: How old do you have to be on howrse to reserve a horse in sales?
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Related questions

How old does a horse have to be to be a pass horse on Howrse?

30 or older

How old does your horse have to be on Howrse for competitions?

3 years old.

On the game howrse your horse is 10 months old how old will it be the next day?

A horse ages 2 months a day on howrse, if you take care of your horse. If your horse is 10 months, your horse will then be 12 months the next day. Making your horse 1 year old.

How old can a horse board?

On Howrse, a horse can board at the age of 6 months.

How old does your horse have to be before giving it a golden apple on Howrse?

the horse has to be 3 years old to get a GA

In the game howrse do you get passes when your horse dies or does it just die of old age?

Horse aides

What was Roy Roger's famous horse's nickname?

The horse's name was Trigger. This question was updated by jobrosfan25 of Howrse for the Howrse World Tour Competition.

What is a wondering horse on Howrse?

They wander around Howrse giving players goodies. You can no longer get them though, they were from a old promo.

How old does your horse have to be to breed them on Howrse?

it should be when they are 2 and a half years

Why wont the name come up on Howrse when you put a saddle on?

because the horse is not old enough. A horse on howrse has to be at least 3 years for it to have any kind of tack

How old does your horse have to be to have a piece of cloud used on it on Howrse?

The horse must be older than five years.

If your horse is 6 month what kind of racing can you do on Howrse?

On howrse, if your horse is 6 months old it cannot compete. They cannot compete until they are 3 years old. Training begins at 2 years, along with lessons.