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You have to be 18 to buy brewing supplies that are marketed and sold as such. However, to legally possess and consume alcohol, you'd need to be 21. The law is grey on whether a minor can help their parents brew it.

In theory, anyone can rig home equipment and buy basic supplies. Anyone can go to a store and buy yeast, sugar, a crock pot, buckets, grain, tubing, etc. I am sure they won't card you at a farmers cooperative or feed store if you are there to buy grain. They do sell other things that they might card you for such as veterinary supplies or certain weed killers, but you won't need those. Just make sure any grain you buy is food/feed grade and not for planting unless you plan on growing your own grain to use.

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Q: How old do you have to be to brew your own beer?
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How can someone find out how to brew their own beer?

The Simple Dollar, wikiHow, Homebrewing, YouTube, Instructables, Popular Mechanics, How to Brew and Brew Your Own Brew are some websites a person can visit to find out how to brew his/her own beer.

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Vailima is the Samoan beer. Not sure if American Samoa brew their own beer.

How to identify duplicate beer in india?

beer in India is always duplicate, better brew your own and drink

The place where beer are made?

A brewery is where they brew beer.

How does one brew beer at home?

One can brew beer at home by purchasing a beer brewing kit from the company Brew Me. They sell many kits, but one must sign a contract that says they will not sell it.

What is lost in fermentation?

A lot of carbon dioxide will be vented. If you ever brew your own beer, it is fun to watch.

What president was the first to brew his own beer?

George Washington made beer at home at Mount Vernon. He also made whiskey o sell.

What can someone find in the Brew Your Own magazine?

The Brew Your Own magazine is published in the USA and Canada. The magazine offers advice for people who have an interest in brewing their own beer. The magazine also has a website which offers information for non-subscribers.

What sort of magazine is Brew Your Own magazine?

Brew Your Own is an American Magazine. The magazine is particularly concerned with the process of homebrewing beer. The magazine is published eight times annually from offices in Manchester Village, Vermont.

Why cant you use an aluminum pot to brew your own beer?

It'll make the taste have a metal taste to it, it will be gross.

How do you use the word brew in a sentence?

The large vat was used to brew beer.

I'm beginning to brew my own beer, but I don't have any bottling equipment. Where can I find some that's not too expensive?

Just head to That site is made for people that make their own beer and wine at home, so they have all sorts of bottling equipment. Brew Organic has a decent selection of bottling equipment for the home brewer.