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You don't have to be an age unless you are a baby or toddler. If your a child than you can watch it unless you have sychological problems and/or are afraid of vampires children-teens caan watch it. If your a young adult or adult you can watch whatever you want.

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Q: How old do you have to be to watch Vampire Diaries?
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You can watch all The Vampire Diaries episodes at the curirca website

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The Originals is a spin off of the Vampire Diaries, but you do not have to watch the Vampire Diaries first in order to be able to keep up with the plot.

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Where Can I Watch Vampire Diaries with Megavideo?

You can type in vampire diaries letmewatchthis and when you click on the link then you can choose which episode to watch and choose what link you want to use

Is The Vampire Diaries awesome?

yes. i watch the vampire diaries every Thursday on channel 11 from 7 to 8.

Where can you watch full episodes of The Vampire Diaries?

The Vampire Diaries originally airs on The CW. If you go to the website you can find episodes of The Vampire Diaries. To find entire seasons of The Vampire Diaries check out and

Where can you watch The Vampire Diaries?

The best website where you cn watch ANY TV show or film is - TV links. For example: type in Google what you wanna watch eg; The vampire diaries and then add tv links eg2; The vampire diaries tv links and the just press the first thing that comes up! here is the link for the vampire diaries

Can a 10 year old be a vampire on vampire diaries?

Of course A ten year old can be a Vampire on the Vampire Diaries I does not matter the age. So If your 10 and you turn then you are a 10 years old until you die as a vampire.

Where can you watch every episode of the vampire diaries online free?

you can see the vampire diaries on the or youtub and it free

Where can you watch episode 19 trailer of vampire diaries?

u can watch it on you tube

Can a 6 year old watch vampire diaries?

The subject material is not really appropriate for a six year old, it is targeted for mid teens.

Where to watch Vampire Diaries episode 8?

Please can u tell me what do u mean with diaries ????