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They have to be 18.

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Q: How old does a child half to be in west virginia to decide which parent they want to live with?
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Is it fair for the custodial parent to ask the non custodial parent for half of the rent along with other needs for the child?

Not if your the parent taking care of the child.

Will a mulatto mother and a white father produce a white child?

Depends on what the other parent is. If the mulatto parent was half black and half white, the child would be 25% black, 25% white, and 50% whatever the other parent is.

What does Half Sibling Mean?

Child shares the same parent, but the other parent is different. such as Child has same mom different dad, and other child has same mom different dad

What does it mean to have 50 percent child custody?

If it refers to physical custody it means that the child spends half the time with one parent and the other half with the other parent. If it refers to legal custody it means that both parents have an equal right to make important decisions that will affect the child.

In Louisiana if the parents are divorced and agree to each pay half of a child's expenses can one parent create expenses for the child without telling the other parent and then ask for reimbursement?


If you have joint custody and pay all kids bills do you still owe money 4 child support?

half of it the other half goes to the other parent of the child or no cause you both have the money to take care of the child

If child moves to other parent do they still pay half of child support?

yes, unless you take them one week they take them the next

Can a parent give their child to the child's half sibling?

A parent cannot give their child to anyone without involving the court so that the guardian will be a legal guardian. The court may allow the guardianship of a child by an adult half-sibling if it is a good placement and in the best interest of the child. You should speak with an advocate at the court or an attorney, if possible.A parent cannot give their child to anyone without involving the court so that the guardian will be a legal guardian. The court may allow the guardianship of a child by an adult half-sibling if it is a good placement and in the best interest of the child. You should speak with an advocate at the court or an attorney, if possible.A parent cannot give their child to anyone without involving the court so that the guardian will be a legal guardian. The court may allow the guardianship of a child by an adult half-sibling if it is a good placement and in the best interest of the child. You should speak with an advocate at the court or an attorney, if possible.A parent cannot give their child to anyone without involving the court so that the guardian will be a legal guardian. The court may allow the guardianship of a child by an adult half-sibling if it is a good placement and in the best interest of the child. You should speak with an advocate at the court or an attorney, if possible.

Who carry the parent characters to child?

The sperm and egg cell each carry half of the each parents characteristics.

Does each parent in a divorced situation need to be responsible for paying the school for half of the lunch money?

Generally speaking, if there is a custodial parent and a non-custodial parent (joint custody is different and each case is unique), then the non-custodial parent pays child support and that child support is supposed to be used (along with the custodial parent's contribution, because they're responsible for providing for the child too) to pay for everything that the child needs, including lunches.

Do the custodial parent have to half of travel to non-custodial parent to visit child in Mississippi?

It depends on what the child support documents indicate. Some parents split the cost 50/50, while for others the cost of vistitation lies on the shoulders of the parent who moved to another state.

Typically is a noncustodial parent required to pay for half of braces?

In very basic terms the noncustodial parent is only required to pay child support and for the child's needs when in their care so no legally does not need to pay half of anything else the custodial parent wants for their child but morally does your child need braces because of medical reasons (as apposed to cosmetic reasons)? Can the other parent not afford them by themselves? This is your decision unless the custodial parent went through their lawyers to see if they could get a court order to get you to pay but I dont think that would happen as that costs a lot of money in itself.