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6 or 7 months.

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Q: How old does a female puppy have to be to be spaided?
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I have a 9 month old shihtzu female puppy and a male 11 month old shihtzu male puppy I didn't realize my female had gone into heat until it was 2 latethey got stuck togetheeis she pregnant now?

When a 9 month old shih tzu female puppy and a male 11 month old puppy get stuck together when the female had gone into heat, it is possible she can be pregnant.

Your female 7 month old puppy will not eat you have a male brother of hers who does eat what is wrong with your female puppy?

Any puppy who will not eat or drink needs to see a vet. Could be anything, but she needs to be checked.

Will older female prefer male puppy?

It depends on the female dog, not the gender of the puppy. Some old girls like all puppies, some do not. Introdue them slowly and see how it goes.

How long are female hamsters in heat?

Typically every 4 days, but usually in the evenings. It always varies between hamsters, but that is the norm

Why would one female puppy keep peeing on everything including her 3 month old female puppy sisters stuff also like blankets kennel floors etc?

it isn't just females. she's a puppy and she doesn't have "manners" yet. she'll grow out of it

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Why does a 12 yr old adult male pee on a new female puppy in the home?

To show dominance.

Is your 5 month old puppy afraid of strangers?

this is an answer depending upon the breed, personality, & if it is female or male.

How much should a four month old female pit puppy weigh?

25 pounds at least.

What is 'female puppy' when translated from English to Italian?

"Female puppy" in English is cucciola o cagnolinain Italian.

How long does it take for a 4 month old puppy to use the bathroom?

You should take your puppy out at least every hour, if it's a male puppy they need to go more often that a female puppy or so seems anyway.

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when is the best time to spay/nueter a female Airedale puppy?