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Q: How old does a kid have to be to sit in the front seat in Virginia?
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How old does a kid have to be to sit in the front seat of a van in Virginia?

12 years old

How old do you have to be to sit in the front seat in Virginia?


Can a 9 year old kid be at the front seat of a car?

yes, but if there is air bsg

How old can a kid sit in the front of the seat?

If you're talking about the front seat of a car... You have to be in a car seat until you're 8... So it would be after you got of a car seat and when the seatbelt fits you correctly

How old should a baby be to use the big kid car seat?

If by 'Big Kid' car seat you mean a front facing seat, my pediatrician says it has to do with there size, not there age all the time.

How old can kid sit in front seat in CA?

I think the guideline is he/she must weigh over 100 pounds.

How old do you have to be to sit in the front passenger seat in Virginia?

The Law in West Virginia is that if they are 8 or under and under 4'9" they must be in a booster seat. I personally for safety reasons would not allow a child under the age of 12 to ride the in front seat as airbags can be incredibly dangerous for small children and are made for adults. I couldn't find any info on an age for the front seat, they may not actually have a law in place for that.

In the state of Virginia can a 12 year old legally sit in front seat with air bags?

The legal age is 12-13, so yes. (I live in Virginia.)

How old do you have to be to seat in the front seat in Kentucky?

In Kentucky, children must be at least 8 years old and 57 inches tall to sit in the front seat of a vehicle with proper restraint systems. It is recommended to follow guidelines set by the American Academy of Pediatrics regarding child passenger safety.

How old can you be to set in the front seat?

Children between 10 to 13 years old can sit in the front seat.

How old does a child need to be in Texas to seat in the front seat?

12years old

How old do you have to be in florida go in the front seat?

you must be 10 years old to ride in the front seat of the car in the us Florida