

How old does a male gerbil need to be before mating?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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at least over 14 months if they try to mate it wont work

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Q: How old does a male gerbil need to be before mating?
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Gerbil muisli or if there is not any hamster food.

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you don't need to if you have another gerbil because they clean each other :)

What happens when a male bites a female in bearded dragons?

It could be that he is Territorial. But then again he could be trying to let her know that he wants to mate. Frequent head bobbing, arm waving, nipping, and biting will occur before mating. If the biting is too agggressive the bearded dragons may need to be separated. It is often better to place 2 or 3 females in a cage with one male. The fighting will still occur, but not to the same extent as a single male and female. For 2 to 3 weeks before mating occurs, the females should be fed a calcium supplement daily.

When can gerbil pups be re homed if still nursing off of their mothers?

They need to be weaned and eating solid food before they are "re-homed.)

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What do you need to do before you ask someone to be wed?

Acquire vibrant plumage and commence the sacred mating ritual passed down from our fathers and their fathers before them.

How do you treat a respiratory infection in a gerbil?

You need to take your gerbil to a vet who works with exotic animals so you can get the right antibiotic.

Why does a gerbil need a tail?

Self Defence in the wild = When a predator got the gerbil the gerbil losses hair on tail and if needed the tail pops of so the predator will eat the tail and the gerbil will get a chance to run away ,its like with a leopard gecko