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Females can be spayed as soon as they become sexually mature, usually around 4 months old. However, some veterinarians may want to wait until the rabbit is older at ~6 months.

Males can be neutered as soon as their testicles descend, usually around 3.5 months of age.

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Q: How old does a rabbit have to be to get neutured?
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What is a neutured female ferret called?

A sprite.

How are dogs neutured?

Their testicles are removes surgically by a veterinarian.

Will a rabbit survive anesthetics while getting spayed?

female rabbits have a lower survival rate due to the fact it is a much bigger operation. i suggest you only have the male neutured. a male rabbit surviving the operation is over 90% and the female can be lower than 50% spaying a rabbit means to remove the womb and ovaries. to neuture is to remove the testicles. if your rabbit is living alone there isn't much point in having him or her done. is the rabbit is abve 5 it has a lower chance of survival as it has now become almost middle aged and when the rabbit has first hit puberty ot is around 1 year old it has a better chance of survival

How are cows neutured?

They aren't. Bulls are when they're quite young, but not cows.

When is a rabbit to old to get spayed?

Spay or nueter your rabbit when he/she is 6 months old.

What do you feed a 10 year old baby rabbit?

I don't see how a 10 year old rabbit can be a baby, a 10 year old rabbit would be a very, very old rabbit. Do you mean a 10 day old rabbit. In which case the baby would need to be fed on milk. The best milk for the rabbit would be that of its mother.

If your rabbit is two years old in human years how old is she in rabbit years?

In rabbit years it would be about 32

Can a neutured cat be pregnant?

no its not possible. Take it to the vets and see what they say.☺

What do you call an old female rabbit?

A female rabbit is a Doe, an old female rabbit would be a Sr. Doe depending on is age and weight.

My rabbit has a hard time getting up. Is this due to old age?

It depends on how old the rabbit is.

How old is a Jr rabbit?

A Jr. rabbit is any rabbit under the age of six months.

What are coney skins?

Rabbit skins. Coney is the old name for rabbit. A rabbit was actually a baby coney.