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Whether a young person may be found guilty of a crime depends upon whether the crime in question is one which requires a heightened level of intent. If a person is really, really young, like two years old, they lack the mental capacity to commit a crime of specific intent. In most jurisdictions it is a fact of law that under the age of 12 is not capable of the mens rea required to commit a crime.

More practically speaking, the better question would be "How old does one have to be in order to be prosecuted as an adult?" If that is the question you intended to ask, then the answer depends upon the source of the criminal law allegedly violated. In other words, the answer differs from state to state.

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Q: How old does one have to be before they may be found guilty of a crime?
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You can be factually guilty without being legally guilty. You may have actually committed the crime, but if it can't be proven in a court of law you aren't legally guilty.

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Acts where they have been found guilty of transgressing the laws of the country involved. Countries have different laws and what may constitute a crime in one place may be legal elsewhere.

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