

How old is German culture?

Updated: 4/26/2024
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13y ago

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German culture is very, very old. We don't know exactly how old though. we know that it is far older than ancient Egypt and ancient Sumerian (although Germany didn't have a well-established empire back then so their cultural presence is very enigmatic at best.) How we know that Germany is older than ancient Egypt is because Archeologist have unearthed the very first solar observatory in Saxony, Germany called the Goseck circle. When unearthed, archeologist dated it to about 4900 B.C. (Ancient Egypt showed first signs of it's empire in 3500 B.C.) Also too, Germany invented the idea of the Christmas tree in the 4th century AD. Germany also had a significant cultural status in the 1st millennium BC because King of Europe, Charlemagne ruled from late to mid 8th century BC, and his kingdom's capital was Aachen, Germany.

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6d ago

German culture has deep roots dating back to ancient times, with influences from various tribes and regions. The modern concept of German culture has evolved over centuries, blending elements from Celtic, Roman, and Frankish cultures, as well as contributions from the Renaissance and Enlightenment periods.

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