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Q: How old is a dachshund when they lose their baby teeth?
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When do donkeys loose their baby teeth?

Donkeys usually lose their baby teeth when they are anywhere from two to five years old. Their adult teeth usually come in quickly.

Will a 12 year old teeth grow back?

Once you have replaced your baby teeth with adult teeth, if you lose one it is gone for good.

How old are you when you have lost all your baby teeth?

Well it's hard to say,I lost all my baby teeth in the 4th grade but i was 9 at the time. I lost my teeth fast because i had a alot of cavaties and 1 sweet tooth(DEAD TOOTH) and my cousin is 14 she still didn't lose all of them yet. But the faster you lose your baby teeth the faster your wisdom teeth come in.

Do Pomeranian breeds lose their teeth?

Most dogs will lose their teeth in old age. Younger dogs will lose teeth due to poor dental hygiene, trauma or some diseases.

How old should you be wen you lose all your baby teeth?

It really depends you could be 10 you could be 14

Which baby teeth do you lose?

Pups are born with out teeth; between 6 and 8 weeks their "baby" teeth come in; there are 28. By 6 - 8 months these are replaced by "permanent"; there are 42.

What age do redbone puppies lose their teeth?

All puppies, no matter the breed lose their baby teeth from 3 to 4 months of age and they have generally lost all of them by the time they're 6 months old. If a puppy still has baby teeth by the time it's 10 months old (or older) it's said to have "retained baby teeth". This can lead to orthodontic and periodontic complications and should not be ignored. You should examine your puppy's mouth to check for retained baby teeth. If you find any a vet should examine your puppy. .

What teeth dose a baby horse lose?

i dont know the teeth specifically, but the set is called their "milk teeth" sorry! hope this helps!! : ) : )

When do cocker spaniels lose their baby teeth?

It's not at all a good thing for them to loose there teeth but my cocker spaniel lost 1 tooth when she was about 11 months old.

Do dogs lose their teeth?

It all depends on the breed. The typical age is anywhere from 8-14 months.They loose there teeth when they are aproximatly 1 year old

Do dogs lose teeth at 3 years old?

When growing up, dogs will lose all their puppy teeth before they are 10 months old. By this time, all adult teeth will have grown. If older dogs lose their teeth it is for some other medical problem.

Who is a person who has no teeth?

A baby (they have not yet grown teeth) or an old person that has lost their teeth.