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The baby pandas become independent from their mothers when they are about two years old. At that time when the pandas become independent their mother usually gets pregnant again.

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They are around 1 year old.

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3 years old.

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Q: How old is a panda when it leaves its mother?
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How long until the mother panda leaves the baby pandas?

Young pandas live with their mothers until they are 18 months to two years old.

How do young panda cubs get their food?

Their mother will suckle them until they are weaned and able to eat bamboo leaves.

Do panda bears eat leaves?

Yes most Panda bears eat leaves.

How old until a giant panda drinks its mother's milk?

It starts when born

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Commas can change the meaning of a sentence by affecting the clarity and emphasis of the words. They help separate items in a list, set off introductory phrases or clauses, and can indicate pauses in the sentence. Using or omitting commas in different places can alter the interpretation of the sentence for the reader.

How long does the giant baby panda stay with its mother or father?

Baby panda cubs stay with their until they are about two years old, at which point the mother panda gets pregnant again. Panda cubs do not stay with their fathers because male pandas are ruthless and would kill a young cub to be able to mate with its mother.

What happens after the panda cubs leave their mother?

Most panda's have an average of 2 cubs every 2 years. They usually leave one bear to live or usually die on its own and nurture the other bear.

When do giant pandas leave their cubs?

a panda cub leaves its mom at two or three years

Where is the giant panda in the food web?

it would be a panda, then bamboo, and then tiny leaves.

How old is a babay blue whale when it leaves its mother?

8 monthes

What does a giant panda do?

Eats bamboo leaves

The Panda eats shoots and leaves?

Really why does it do that.