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The average age at which most boys start puberty is 12 or 13 years of age. But puberty is very variable and the is a wide difference from one boy to another so the normal range for boys to start puberty is anything from 9 years old to the late teens.

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Q: How old is the average boy when going into puberty?
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Why does 12 year old boy pee his room?

Because he is going through puberty.

Can a six year old produce sperm?

Sperm is produced when a boy has reached puberty. The average age to hit puberty is around 12-13-years-old. It would be very unlikely for a boy that age to have hit puberty. I have not heard of it.

Can a 10 year boy start puberty?

The average age to start puberty (for boys) is ages 11 - 13 or 14. It is extremely common and very normal for a 10-year-old's body to enter into the phase of life called, "Puberty".

Can an 8 year old boy be going through puberty already?

It is possible the child is having early Puberty so you should take him to your Doctor as a precaution just in case.

How much does a average 12 year old American weight?

A average American 12 year old boy is about 120 pounds. This is true because during this age,most 12 year old are going thru the change of life.Puberty, is big deal in the life of a teenager and part of puberty is growing length and and height.

What is the average weight of a 4' 11 12-year-old who is going through puberty?

there is no answer because you could be over weight

What is the average shoe size of an 11 year old?

girl 9 they hit puberty before boys and boy probably around a 8

If you are a boy and you turn 12years old how many weeks after do you go threw puberty?

There is no way of knowing. Everybody is different. You could be going through puberty right now at age 12 or at age 15.

Do 11 year old boy have puberty?

yes its normal

What is average IQ for11 year old boy?

The average is going to be from 90 to 110. That would be for any age.

What is the average weight for a 5 foot 2 inch person 12 year old male that is going through puberty?


Can you make a 8 year old boy start puberty?

No, it is impossible.