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Usually around 2 years old. Some a little younger and some a little older. Older is better for the cow and the survival rate of the calf.

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Q: How old is the average cow when she first calves?
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How many calves can a cow have in 20 years?

Assuming you are referring to a cow that is 20 years old, then the answer to this question would be around 18 calves, if she's never had twins in her life. This is because it takes two years for a female, from birth to her first parturition, to grow old enough to produce a calf. After she has had her first calf she is able to produce an average of one calf per year. The number may be higher if she has had twins in her lifetime.

Did a cow ever live to be 49 years old?

The average lifespan of a cow is 7 years. The oldest cow ever recorded was Big Bertha. She reached 48 in 1993. She also holds the record for producing 39 calves. Source: Did You Know

Why are some calves called bobby calves?

Bobby calves are those calves that are meant to be slaughtered when they're only a few days old. These comprise of mostly dairy calves that are not needed or culled from the milk cow herd and are used for veal meat.

Do older bulls sire bigger calves?

No. Just because a bull is old doesn't mean he's going to sire larger, heavier calves. An old bull can range from a small mini Angus bull, to a big Charolais bull. Calf size is depending on the genes for birth weight in both the dam and the sire. If the sire has a large birthweight himself and the cow has the genes for siring large calves, then the calf will come out large. Size of the calves also depends on what you feed the cows in their last stage of pregnancy. High concentrate feeds fed to a cow in her last trimester can make for quite a large calf, no matter what condition the cow is in. Young unproven bulls are even known to throw large calves, especially if they have the EPDs for large calves from their dam and sire, or have a high birthweight. The chance of an unproven bull to throw large calves is much higher than with a proven bull that has already proven that he can throw small or large calves.

What is the average weight for a ten month old calf?

Depends on the breed and sex of the calf. Most calves average around 700 to 800 lbs at this age, plus or minus.

Related questions

How many calves can a cow have in 20 years?

Assuming you are referring to a cow that is 20 years old, then the answer to this question would be around 18 calves, if she's never had twins in her life. This is because it takes two years for a female, from birth to her first parturition, to grow old enough to produce a calf. After she has had her first calf she is able to produce an average of one calf per year. The number may be higher if she has had twins in her lifetime.

Did a cow ever live to be 49 years old?

The average lifespan of a cow is 7 years. The oldest cow ever recorded was Big Bertha. She reached 48 in 1993. She also holds the record for producing 39 calves. Source: Did You Know

What is calf cow supposed to be?

A calf-cow or a cow-calf probably refers to those calves that are in between being babies and being adults; or, are at the stage where they can be weaned, since they're too old to be calves, but their too young to be "cows" as well.

Why are some calves called bobby calves?

Bobby calves are those calves that are meant to be slaughtered when they're only a few days old. These comprise of mostly dairy calves that are not needed or culled from the milk cow herd and are used for veal meat.

How do you get foster cows to let jersey calves milking off them?

I have a 4 year old Guernsey Cow, over the course of this year she has raised 7 calves for me, 3 calves for 3 months, 2 calves for 4 months and 2 calves for 3 months, and now she's dry, two months before she calves in march. after putting your cow's head in a stanchion, and giving her something to munch on. you put her calf on a front quarter, with it's behind toward the cow so if she turns to sniff it, it's hers she smells, then take time don't get excited, and slowly bring in one of the calves you want to feed on the cow, after it's eating, you go get the other calf and bring it in and put it on the back quarter of the other side, and have someone stand between the cow's head and the calf. the calves should eat good for about 8 minutes, and the cow should be milked the rest of the way out to prevent mastitis. if you've got a good cow she should accept them with little Resistance.

What is a cow called when she no longer can have calves?

A cull cow. She can also be called a free-loader, a barren cow, an old cow, etc., but cull cow is the best term to use because cows that can no longer have a calf is one that no longer needs to be a part of the more productive cow-herd.

Do bull moose kill calves for the cow moose?

No. Sometimes the calves may get in the way of the bull and may risk getting injured from getting tossed around or kicked at if he sees them as interfering with his courting with the cow. In most cases though, the calves are old enough to know to stay a safe distance away while mom is busy with her suitor.

How old are manatees when they have calves?

Manatees are at least a year old when they have calves.

What is the average weight of a year old cow?

Depends on the breed or crossbreed.

Do older bulls sire bigger calves?

No. Just because a bull is old doesn't mean he's going to sire larger, heavier calves. An old bull can range from a small mini Angus bull, to a big Charolais bull. Calf size is depending on the genes for birth weight in both the dam and the sire. If the sire has a large birthweight himself and the cow has the genes for siring large calves, then the calf will come out large. Size of the calves also depends on what you feed the cows in their last stage of pregnancy. High concentrate feeds fed to a cow in her last trimester can make for quite a large calf, no matter what condition the cow is in. Young unproven bulls are even known to throw large calves, especially if they have the EPDs for large calves from their dam and sire, or have a high birthweight. The chance of an unproven bull to throw large calves is much higher than with a proven bull that has already proven that he can throw small or large calves.

What is a sentence using the word calves?

My calves burned after my run. Those calves are two months old.

What is a old female cattle?

An old female cow is called an old cow, or a granny cow.