

Cattle Health

Herd health and individual cattle health is important when raising cattle, because a producer needs to know what to do and how to treat a bovine that is sick or injured. There are many diseases and health concerns in the field of raising cattle, and they can be asked and answered here. Be sure to always consult your local licensed large animal veterinarian with concerns about your animals. Your vet is your best source of information.

525 Questions

What causes a cow to prolapse?

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A cow can prolapse due to various factors such as excessive straining during calving, genetic predisposition, poor nutrition leading to weak ligaments, or underlying health issues like infections or metabolic disorders. Proper management practices, including maintaining a balanced diet, proper breeding selection, and monitoring cow health during calving can help reduce the risk of prolapse.

Why would a yearling cow die?

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A yearling cow may die due to various reasons such as disease, parasites, poor nutrition, injury, or congenital defects. It is important to have regular veterinary care and proper management practices in place to prevent such deaths.

If you push a cow over on to its back does it die?

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No, pushing a cow onto its back will not automatically kill it. However, cows that are unable to regain an upright position may experience health issues due to the stress and pressure on their internal organs. It is important to handle animals with care and ensure their well-being.

What happens if a cow doesn't pass the afterbirth?

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If a cow doesn't pass the afterbirth within 24 hours after giving birth, it can lead to uterine infections, retained placenta, and other health issues. The cow may require veterinary intervention to remove the retained afterbirth and prevent complications.

Why are calves born dead?

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Calves may be born dead due to various factors such as complications during birth, genetic abnormalities, inadequate nutrition during pregnancy, infections, or exposure to toxins. It is important to work with a veterinarian to determine the specific cause in order to help prevent similar incidents in the future.

Will a cow die if you tip her over?

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Tipping over a cow, also known as cow tipping, is a myth. Cows are large, heavy animals and are not easily tipped over by hand. The act of cow tipping can be harmful and distressing to the cow if attempted.

How do you treat selenium overdose in a cow?

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Treatment of selenium overdose in cows involves administering calcium gluconate intravenously to reduce toxicity. Supportive care includes ensuring proper hydration, managing any clinical signs of toxicity such as muscle fasciculations or respiratory distress, and providing a balanced diet to support recovery. Consultation with a veterinarian is essential for appropriate management and monitoring of the cow's condition.

Does vitamin d and selenium bolster the immune system in cows?

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Yes, vitamin D plays a role in the immune response of cows by supporting proper immune function and reducing inflammation. Selenium is also important for immune function in cows as it helps protect against oxidative stress and improves white blood cell activity. Both nutrients are essential for maintaining a healthy immune system in cows.

During what time of year are Santa Ana winds most common?

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Asked by Ksmail

Santa Ana winds are most common in Southern California during the fall and winter months, typically from October to March. These winds are typically strongest during the late fall and winter months.

How many cows are there in a box full of balloons?

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There are no cows in a box full of balloons, as cows are animals and balloons are objects commonly used for decoration or celebrations.

What is the phylum of a Singapore daisy?

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Common name: Singapore Daisy

Scientific name: Sphagneticola trilobata

Kingdom: Plantae

Phylum: Magnoliophyta

Class: Magnoliopsida

Order: Asterales

Family: Asteraceae

Genus: Sphagneticola

Species: Sphagneticola trilobata

What is the technological term for the proccess which a cow belches up its cud and chews it?

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The technological term for the process in which a cow regurgitates its cud and chews it is called "rumination." Rumination allows cows to further break down and digest their food by re-chewing it before fully swallowing it for final digestion.

Why does your 93 trans am over cool and why doesnt it produce heat for the interior?

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Your 1993 Trans Am may overcool and not produce heat due to issues with the thermostat, radiator, or heater core. A faulty thermostat can cause the engine to run cooler than normal, while a blocked radiator can prevent proper coolant circulation. A clogged heater core can also hinder heat transfer to the interior. It's best to have a mechanic inspect these components to diagnose and resolve the problem.

Is there a cure for mastitis in cows?

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Mint creams that are applied to the skin of the udder, usually twice a day. Brands include Udder Comfort.

How do you treat a cow with diseases?

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Well yeah medicine from a vet is good but its to expensive. But oil from your car that you just change. Take you animal a bath in car oil and leave him outside in the heat. When he starts iching that means it is working. Then like 3 to 4 hours later take him a bath and the animal will be just like new.

Why do cows spit out their cud?

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Spitting out cud is one of the first signs of disease in cattle. It is often indicative of abscesses or bad teeth. It is also associated with diseases such as tick fever and anaplasmosis.

How do you treat a calf with broken jaw?

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The short answer is, you don't; mature horses with broken weight-bearing leg bones do not heal well (or at all), are generally in excruciating amounts of pain and are often a danger to themselves or their handlers because they panic due to being restrained. However, a young foal (6 months old or younger) with a greenstick fracture or a fracture of a non-weight-bearing bone may be able to have the fracture reduced and tolerate corrective equipment (cast, splint, etc.) until the bone heals.

This is where the folk wisdom of shooting (ie, mercy killing) a horse with a broken leg comes from: there is little that can be done to keep the horse safe, comfortable and immobile for the months it would take for the bone to heal up enough to support the animal's weight.

I have seen this tried, on a six year old Arabian stallion with a compound open fracture of the proximal radius. He freaked out when put into a body sling to help support his weight and broke an equine vet resident's ribs. He had multiple surgeries to realign the bone fragments, put antibiotics into the break site to prevent bone infection, pull out dead bone fragments and put transverse supporting pins through the distal humerus. The owner spent over $10,000 on surgeries, X-rays, hospitalization and daily care, the break never healed and the stallion was eventually euthanized.

Can a cow get sick from eating cactus?

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The cactus plant can hurt a human with sharp thorns, spines, quills or needles. It also can hurt a human with its stored water. That water may be toxic to drink.

What happens if you give an intramuscular injection on cow incorrect?

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It depends on what you mean by "incorrect." If you gave a cow an IM injection and injected it in the wrong site, it won't matter. But, if you gave an IM injection under the skin instead or in a blood vessel, it may make the solution you injected less effective than what was instructed on the bottle.

Thus, let it be a lesson to you to always read the label and pay attention to where the best injection sites are. Don't dwell on it: just take it as a lesson learned and move on.

When should you wash a cow?

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You wash a calf when you want to. You always wash a calf when you are going to show her at a fair. But you can wash her any other time too.

Can cow feces and blood infect humans?

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Asked by Aabbeell

If it's from a perfectly healthy cow, no. If it's from a cow that has a zoonotic disease that can be spread through its blood and/or feces, then yes. But there is no recorded or known disease that is liable to cause such health problems for humans.

Why will a cow that is healthy lie down and not stand back up?

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AnswerIf the cow isn't standing up then it's not healthy and you should be observing it's legs (feeling for injury or, looking for sores.) Cows will lay down off and on (as I'm sure you know) but to lay down all the time is injurious to the cow. I did research on this and even I was surprised at how labor intensive raising cows are especially for milking. I hope the following helps you:

Cow comfort is a very important issue for dairy producers today. A 1996 study by the National Animal Health Monitoring System (For Collins, CO) reported the top 4 reasons given for culling cows were, in order:

reproductive problems, udder or mastitis problems, poor production and lameness and injury. Together, these factors accounted for over 90% of culling activity. Cows culled for the reasons listed other than poor production are considered revoluntary culls. When many or most cows leave a herd involuntarily, the potential for owners to generate a profit, improve their herds, and expand their operations is severely limited.

POOR STALL DESIGN is rivaled only by poor air quality as the major environmental culprit behind many of these problems. Environmental mastitis and teat injuries are definitely attributable to the condition of stalls. Lameness and injury can be directly caused by stall conditions, and may be an underlying cause of breeding and production problems if cows don'ts[sic] want to stand when in heat or at the bunk. Stalls must be clean, dry and comfortable!

OF UTMOST IMPORTANCE, is ensuring that cows have the opportunity to lie down and rise up easily in freestalls by providing lunge space. (When cows get up, their body forges ahead, so there needs to be more space for this action) Stall dimensions and placement of other stall features, such as the brisket board and neck rail, should be suited to the more productive animals that are being house[sic]. Espifications are readily available for mature Holstein cows and have also been developed for younger cattle, different breeds, and cows with special needs.

CHOICE BEDDING material and design of the stall are important considerations as well. The lying surface must have adequate cushion and should have fresh bedding added regularly to keep the stall clean and dry, and to prevent cows from injury, especially to their hocks. A simple stall bed made of a deep layer of sand is the preferred choice if clean sand can be obtained at a reasonable price and handling of sand-laden manure will not be a significant ordeal. A quality stall bed can be achieved using mattress materials where sand is not considered a viable option. Periodic maintenance of the stalls is important for long-term use.

Producers can achieve significant improvement in their freestalls by retrofitting current facilities or by incorporating proper designs into the construction of new barns. It pays to know what partition designs are appropriate for different circumstances. In new construction it is preferable to provide forward lunge space. In head-to-head stall arrangements, this can be accomplished by leaving the stall front completely open and utilizing shared lunge space. For stalls in other arrangements, especially in rows along the barn exterior, consider making the stalls longer (close to 8'-6").

CURB HEIGHT should be kept as short as possible without letting manure be deposited into the rear of stalls while cleaning alleys (depends on frequency of cleaning). If a mattress is used, the total step into the stall will usually be higher than the curb height. Allow for the incread[sic] (typically 4 inches) in all other vertical dimensions that are referenced from the top of the curb. The positions of the brisket board and the neck rail are both referenced from the curb. These two features and their proper placement are essential for encouraging cows to lie correctly in the stall.

Remember to consider cow comfort in your planning. Select freestall designs to minimize cow contact and that prioritize constuction that is firm, but flexible, over rigidly solid constuction. Do not pinch pennies in this regard if it means cow comfort will be compromised by an inferior design.


Hope this helps. Even if you aren't raising dairy cows this is good information and it's a MUST to check the hocks of the cow and be sure there are no injuries to the legs, or problems with the teets.


What does it mean when a cow drools a lot?

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They're hungry, bored, thirsty or just tired.

Can cows get hemorrhoids?

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Yes, cows can get constipated, especially when they are sick. However, constipation is more common in calves than fully grown cows.