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Q: How old must you be to complete an organ donor card?
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Related questions

How does one get involved in kidney donation?

One can get involved in kidney donation by becoming an organ donor. One must register in his or her state to become an organ donor at a local DMV or online.

What procedure is involved in the donation of organs from cadaveric donors?

Organs from cadaveric donors come from people who have recently died and have willed their organs before death by signing an organ donor card, or are brain-dead. The donor's family must give permission

Who manages donor matching for heart-lung transplantation?

Donor matching is managed by the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN), in which all organ centers must participate according to Federal Medicare and Medicaid programs

Is organ transplantation possible in brain death?

Brain death must be present before organ transplantation can happen. The donor is kept on the ventilator while consent is obtained from next of kin, and also while the testing is completed on the donor for compatibility with the recipients.

The membrane surface molecules that must be carefully matched between a donor and the recipient to avoid organ transplantation rejection are called?

histocompatability antigens

Who can donate an organ?

Most organ donations are done by a deceased person who was in generally good health prior to death. Organ donations can be done by anyone at any age, except perhaps the very elderly. People with cancer, diabetes, liver disease, alcoholism, AIDS, and other severe diseases should not be organ donors. Live organ donation is different. The most well-established organ donation by a live donor is probably a kidney. The donor must be an adult, well informed of the risks, and in very good or excellent health. The donor must not be suffering from a wide range of diseases and conditions. Children under 18 cannot offer their organs for donation after death. Parents must make this choice when a child dies.

How do transplants work?

If they did not work, they would not be funded. (They are fairly expensive procedures, so the expectation must be for a good outcome for the cost to be justified). They work be replacing an organ that does not work with a donor organ that hopefully does function properly, or at least better than the previous organ did.

How do you change my license from organ donor to normal when i just renewed my Georgia license?

If you have just renewed your Georgia drivers license and no longer want to be listed as an organ donor, the process is simple. All you must do is return to your department of driver services and tell them you would like to change it. There may be a small fee charged for your new license.

Who agrees with organ donations?

In his response to your question, Sheikh Ahmad Kutty, a senior lecturer and an Islamic scholar at the Islamic Institute of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, issues the following Fatwa:"Organ donation is permitted in Islam if it is done within the permissible limits prescribed by the Shari`ah.The following are the conditions scholars have stipulated for donation:Conditions associated with a living donor:1. He/she must be a person who is in full possession of his/her faculties so that he/she is able to make a sound decision by himself/herself;2. He/she must be an adult and, preferably, at least twenty-one years old;3. It should be done on his/her own free will without any external pressure exerted on him/ her;4. The organ he/she is donating must not be a vital organ on which his/her survival or sound health is dependent upon;5. No transplantation of sexual organs is allowed.Conditions associated with deceased donors:1. It must be done after having ascertained the free consent of the donor prior to his /her death. It can be through a will to that effect, or signing the donor card, etc.2. In a case where organ donation consent was not given prior to a donor's death, the consent may be granted by the deceased's closest relatives who are in a position to make such decisions on his/her behalf.3. It must be an organ or tissue that is medically determined to be able to save the life or maintain the quality of life of another human being.4. The organ must be removed only from the deceased person after the death has been ascertained through reliable medical procedures.5. Organs can also be harvested from the victims of traffic accidents if their identities are unknown, but it must be done only following the valid decree of a judge.Please visit the below website for more details:

What are some laws about organ transplants?

To be a living organ donor, you must be over 18, willing, in good health, and either related to the patient, or a willing volunteer. It is not legal to donate an organ for a financial reward (in the UK) It is not legal to donate an organ for any other kind of reward. The living donor who donated the organ has given it to the other person cannot ask for it back. (This was tested in courts a few years ago; husband gave his wife a kidney. They divorced, he wanted his kidney back. Judge ruled that since it was a "gift", it was not his property, so could not ask for it back.)

Can a person who is ill receive an organ donation from anyone?

No. The donor must have the same blood type, similar antibodies and genetic make-up. The closer the match the better the possibility the body will accept it.

Does an organ recipient need to have the same blood type as a donor?

Organ DonationThat depends, if your blood type is AB than then it doesn't mater. If the donors blood type is O than yours doesn't matter. If you are a B than the donor must have a O an AB or a B blood type. If yourblood type is A then the donors blood type must be O,AB or B. However ALWAYS talk to a doctor and ask lots of questions in order to insure your safety.