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Actually you don't need to be concerned about their age, you need to worry about whether they can eat them or not.

They need to be able to swallow each mealworm, whole. So they need to be small enough to fit their mouths. Any age is fine, as long as the worms are not larger than their mouths.

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Q: How old should tree frogs be to eat meal worms?
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What can you feed a tree frog?

Tree frogs are carnivorous and will eat a variety of bugs: crickets, wax worms, meal worms, super worms, blood worms, and fruit flies. You should have a vitamin and calcium supplement and sprinkle it on the bug so your frog gets plenty of vitamin and calcium. If your frog is tiny, fruit flies are the best. Medium sized frogs will eat meal worms, blood worms, and small crickets. Wax worms, super worms, and the larger sized crickets are pretty big, so you should only feed these to the bigger tree frogs, like White's tree frogs or any other big tree frog.

Can whistling tree frogs eat blood worms?

yes they can

Do red eyed tree frogs eat wax worms?

No!! Of course they don't! If they did wax worms would be extinct, also red eyed tree frogs would blow up because they are allergic! I hope i have answered your question.

What can whites tree frogs eat?

they dont move much so i guess they eat anything that climbs up the tree

What do tropical tree frogs eat?

They eat insects, snails,worms, spiders, usually anything smaller then them

What worms do green tree frogs eat?

my guess is that they use their tongues to snaps their prey into their mouth, then chew it with their teeth.

What are facts about a green tree frog?

Their croak sounds like a bark or quack. these frogs are easy pets to care for (beginners). these frogs can grow up to three and a half inches in size. they eat crickets meal worms etc. males are generally smaller than females though it is difficult to tell the difference even for experts.

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Will an adult white lip tree frog eat smaller frogs in its habitat even if plenty of crickets and worms are available?

Yes - they will simply view the smaller frogs as potential food !

What do owls eat and where it lives?

They eat Insects, worms, spiders, frogs, lizards, and small birds. They live in tree holes, tree trunks,farms,bushes,forests,and in barns.

Do frogs eat leafs?

do frogs eat grass? yes they do They prefer bugs.

Does it kill tree frogs if you hold it?

no, not tree frogs, but some other frogs can be like that