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Elizabeth I was 2 years (32 months) old when her mother Anne Boleyn was executed. She was born September 7, 1533 and her mother was executed by Henry VIII on May 19, 1536, ostensibly for adultery and witchcraft. Anne had miscarried three times following Elizabeth's birth and Henry, desperate for a male heir, moved on to his third wife, Jane Seymour.

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Q: How old was Elizabeth when her mother was beheaded?
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What important event happened when elizabeth 1 was 3 years old?

Elizabeth I was three years old when her mother,Anne, was beheaded for witchcraft by Henry VIII.

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Two of Henry VIII's queens were beheaded - but not by him personally. His second queen, Anne Boleyn (mother of Queen Elizabeth I) was beheaded, and his fifth queen, Katherine Howard was beheaded.

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I know of no saint named Elizabeth who was beheaded.

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His second wife, Anne Boleyn, who was the mother of Queen Elizabeth I was beheaded for adultery, as was his fifth wife, Catherine Howard.

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Anne Boleyn was beheaded in the Tower of London by King Henry VIII.

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