


Henry VIII

questions about this monarch, his wives and descendants where he is mentioned in the question. For example, questions about Queen Mary I go in "Monarchy" but questions about her parents go in "Henry VIII" as well.

3,934 Questions

When was Jane Sixsmith born?

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Asked by APIBirthday

Jane Sixsmith was born on September 5, 1967.

What is Jane Addams birth date?

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Jane Addams was born in 1376.9834 to the power of 4. She was adopted by former Egyptian Pharoah Tutu Karmoon on the 7th of Agust 2011. On her birth date, many people gather and each others rings! This is know as 'eating the addams'! Yumm...its so good, i love the taste of human excrement all over my face and my giant shaft!

What was the argument between Henry and the church?

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The argument between Henry VIII and the Church centered on Henry's desire to annul his marriage to Catherine of Aragon. The Church, specifically the Pope, refused to grant the annulment, leading Henry to break away from the Catholic Church and establish the Church of England with himself at its head. This event ultimately led to the English Reformation.

What is unique about Aragon?

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Aragon is unique for its decentralized governance platform that enables individuals and organizations to create and manage decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) on the blockchain. It offers tools for voting, fundraising, and decision-making within these DAOs, allowing for transparent and democratic management without the need for intermediaries.

How did the Church start?

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The Christian Church started with the teachings of Jesus Christ and the formation of his disciples, who spread his message after his death. The early Christian community grew in numbers and influence, eventually developing into the organized institution known as the Church.

What are the most important factors of England's history?

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Some important factors in England's history include the Norman Conquest in 1066, the establishment of a strong monarchy, the English Reformation under Henry VIII, the Industrial Revolution, and the formation of the British Empire. These events have shaped England's social, political, and cultural development.

Why does the church still have power over people today?

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The church still holds power over people today due to its historical influence, community support, moral authority, and spiritual significance in many individuals' lives. Many people find comfort, guidance, and a sense of belonging in their religious beliefs, giving the church continued influence.

If a man winks at you does it mean something sexual too and are there any other reasons and if so what are they?

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Asked by Wiki User

A wink can be interpreted as flirtatious or friendly, but it may not always have sexual connotations. It could also be a non-sexual gesture of acknowledgment, humor, or inside joke between friends. The intention behind a wink can vary depending on the context and the relationship between individuals.

How many houses in Downing Street?

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9 Downing Street was named in 2001 and is the Downing Street entrance to the Privy Council Office and currently houses the Chief Whip's office. It was formerly part of Number 10.

10 Downing Street is the official residence of the First Lord of the Treasury, and thus the residence of the British Prime Minister, as in modern times, the two roles have been filled by the same person. It has fulfilled this role since 1735.

11 Downing Street has been the official residence of the Second Lord of the Treasury since 1828, and thus the residence of the Chancellor of the Exchequer.

12 Downing Street, formerly the Chief Whip's Office, currently houses the Prime Minister's Press Office, Strategic Communications Unit and Information and Research Unit. In the 1820s it was occupied by the Judge Advocate-General, although it remained in private ownership. It entered government hands when purchased by the East India Company in 1863, and became occupied by the marine and railway departments of the Board of Trade. It was originally Number 13, but was partially re-built and re-numbered following the demolition of Number 14 in 1876. It was badly damaged by a fire in 1879, and underwent further changes as a result.

14 Downing Street formerly closed off the western end of the street. It was acquired by the Crown in 1798, and was used by the War Office andColonial Office in the 19th century. Some parts were demolished in the 1860s, and by 1876 it had been removed completely.

15-16 Downing Street, long since demolished, formerly held the Foreign Office, which also occupied two houses on the west side of the street.

18 Downing Street was occupied by the West India Department of the Colonial Office.

20 Downing Street was occupied by the Tithe Commission.

Did Henry VIII go to school?

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Answer As far as is known, Henry did not go to school in the way we would understand it, but had several personal tutors. See the related question below.
Henry the 8th did not go to school because he was so rich he was taught at home by tutors

What nicknames did Mr Frank give Anne?

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Mr. Frank gave Anne the nicknames "Petticat" and "Pip."

Character sketch of edward Tudor prince of wales in the story The Prince and The Pauper?

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edward was the son of henry viii and the prince of still he was not happy with the royal life and wanted freedom so he changed his clothes with tom canty a pauper and then he had to face the ill treatment that are given to a pauper

Did anne of cleeves have a son?

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The children, and their respective mothers, the wives of Henry VIII (1491 - 1547) are:

Mary I (1516 - 1558) by Catherine of Aragon - first wife (1485 - 1536)

Elizabeth I (1533 - 1603) by Anne Boleyn - second wife (c1501-07 - 1536)

Edward VI (1537 - 1553) by Jane Seymour - third wife (c1504-09 - 1537)

Catherine of Aragon gave birth to six children, who were either stillborn or only lived a few weeks. Only Mary lived to adulthood. Anne Boleyn suffered at least two miscarriages.

Anne of Cleves (1515 - 1557)

Catherine Howard (c1520 - 1542)

Katherine Parr (c1512 - 1548)

did not bear Henry any children.

Henry also had an acknowledged illegitimate son:

Henry Fitzroy (1519 - 1536) Duke of Richmond (by Henry's mistress Elizabeth Blount)

There may have been other illegitimate brothers and sisters, possibly by Mary Boleyn, (and in particular her son, Henry Carey) another of Henry's mistresses and sister of Anne Boleyn; but they have not been confirmed or acknowledged.

In common English translations of his love letters to her what did Henry viii call anne Boleyn's breasts?

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Several undated love letters from Henry VIII (1491 - 1547) to Anne Boleyn (c1501-07 - 1536) were found in the Vatican Library. They were probably originally stolen from Anne, during the annullment proceedings between Katherine of Aragon and Henry. As can be seen from this letter, Henry affectionately refers to Anne's "pretty dukkys":

Mine own sweetheart, these shall be to advertise you of the great loneliness that I find here since your departing, for I ensure you methinketh the time longer since your departing now last than I was wont to do a whole fortnight: I think your kindness and my fervents of love causeth it, for otherwise I would not have thought it possible that for so little a while it should have grieved me, but now that I am coming toward you methinketh my pains been half released.... Wishing myself (specially an evening) in my sweetheart's arms, whose pretty dukkys I trust shortly to kiss. Written with the hand of him that was, is, and shall be yours by his will.


How old was anne Berlin when she had her head chopped of?

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Anne Boleyn's birth year is not absolutely known, she was born 1501 or 1507 and executed on 19 May 1536. She was executed by an expert French swordsman, brought in on Henry VIII's orders to give Anne a more humane and swift death.

Who in anne's life died shortly before Anne began her dieary and how did that affect anne?

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Anne's grandmother died shortly before she began her diary. This event left Anne feeling sad, as she was fond of her grandmother. However, it also provided her with a source of emotional outlet and solace, prompting her to start writing in her diary as a way to cope with her feelings.

Where is anne Marie mediwake working now?

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As of October 2021, Anne Marie Mediwake is working as a news anchor and co-host on CP24 Breakfast, a morning news show in Toronto, Canada.

In The Red Badge of Courage what did Henry notice about the spectral soldier?

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In "The Red Badge of Courage," Henry notices that the spectral soldier appears to be very calm and at peace despite the chaos of the battlefield. This serene demeanor contrasts with Henry's own feelings of fear and uncertainty, prompting him to question his own courage and resolve.

In the book The Great Gatsby does Gatsby deserve to be called great?

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In the book "The Great Gatsby," Jay Gatsby is portrayed as a complex character with admirable qualities such as his determination, romanticism, and capacity for love. However, his pursuit of wealth, status, and Daisy ultimately leads to his downfall. Whether Gatsby deserves to be called "great" is subjective, as his character is both enigmatic and flawed.

Because Pip feared that Estella had married and he did not want to have it confirmed how did he react?

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Pip felt anxious and uneasy, avoiding contact with others to postpone facing the truth about Estella's marriage. He tried to distract himself by focusing on his work and keeping busy. However, Pip's inner turmoil and sadness were evident in his behavior.

How does Henry receive an injury?

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Henry receives an injury while fighting in World War I. He is wounded by a mortar shell explosion which causes him to suffer a serious head wound.

What was the poem about Henry VIII and his 6 wives?

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The poem about Henry VIII and his six wives is a mnemonic device used to remember the fates of each of his wives: "Divorced, Beheaded, Died; Divorced, Beheaded, Survived." This sequence corresponds to the outcomes of each wife - Catherine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn, Jane Seymour, Anne of Cleves, Catherine Howard, and Catherine Parr.

When did kind edward die?

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Edward Cullen was born June 20, 1901, and transformed to a vampire in 1918, when he was 17 years old.

What happened to Henry Stone of kstu?

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There is limited information available about Henry Stone of KSTU. If you are referring to a specific incident or event, please provide more context so I can offer a more accurate response.