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Q: How old was Jesus when his parents left him in the temple for 3 days?
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Jesus after he got left behind in the temple , and his parents searched for three days , they found him in the temple , asking the priests ,questions only learned men would ask, and they were amazed at his wisdom.

Was Jesus disobedient to his parents when he stayed in the temple?

He was not. To disobey, they would have had to tell Him not to go to the temple. He was just left behind.

Who found Jesus when he got lost and and ended up in the temple?

Jesus was not lost. When his parents were finished with their dealings in the city, they left with a large entourage, and assumed that Jesus was somewhere in the group. Jesus made His way to the Temple to teach what He knew. It was several days later that Mary and Joseph found Him at the temple expounding scriptures and teaching the elders. Jesus knew He was about His fathers' business. Not Joseph, but the business of God, His father.

What did Jesus visit when He was twelve?

This story is in Luke 2.41 - 52. Jesus was separated from his parents when they went to Jerusalem to worship. But after 3 days his parents found him, "in the temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors, both hearing them, and asking them questions." (Luke 2.46) Then his parents took him home and he was "subject unto them:" until the time of his ministry, when he was about 30 years old.

What happen when Jesus family went to Jerusalem?

Jesus left his earthly Mother and Father to preach and teach the priests and doctors in the temple, and his parents did not find him again for 3 or 4 days. Read the story in Luke 2. 41 to 52.

What happened to Jesus when he was a child?

When Jesus was a child he got left behind in the temple.

What is the name of the temple Jesus got lost in?

The temple was called Herod's Temple or the Herodian temple. It was built by Herod about 20 - 19 BC. I think Jesus wasn't lost in the temple his parents left Jerusalem and Jesus was left behind he was found teaching in the temple. Read the verses below: Luk 2:42 When Jesus was twelve years old, they went to the festival as usual. Luk 2:43 When the festival was over, they started back home, but the boy Jesus stayed in Jerusalem. His parents did not know this; Luk 2:44 they thought that he was with the group, so they traveled a whole day and then started looking for him among their relatives and friends. Luk 2:45 They did not find him, so they went back to Jerusalem looking for him. Luk 2:46 On the third day they found him in the Temple, sitting with the Jewish teachers, listening to them and asking questions. Luk 2:47 All who heard him were amazed at his intelligent answers.

When Jesus was lost in Jewish him his parents found him here doing his father's work?

When Jesus was twelve years old he accompanied His parents to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover. When the celebration was over his parents left for home and assumed that Jesus was with others in the party. When it was discovered that Jesus was not among them they returned to Jerusalem to find Him. He was found in the Temple sitting among the teachers listening to them and asking them questions. When His parents asked why He had stayed behind He answered, "Did you not know that I must be about My Father's business"? This is found in Luke 2:41-50.

How old was Jesus when he was left at the temple during the Passover celebration?

Twelve years old. (Luke 2.42)

What are thoughts or stories about Mary?

There is stories or thoughts like: The Nativity-Mary and Joseph and the baby Jesus The Wedding of cana-Where Jesus made his first miracle The Presentation of Jesus at the Temple-Jesus left Mary and Joseph and couldn't find him, they were looking for days! There are lots of stories and thoughts that you can have of Mary! By Annabel Age:10 19/11/2012

Why do you celebrate Easter for 50 days?

Ascension Thursday is 40 days after Easter because Jesus left 40 days after He resurrected, and Pentecost Sunday is 10 days after Ascension Thursday because the Holy Spirit filled Jesus' disciples 10 days after He left. (So the gift of the Holy Spirit was 50 days after the Resurrection.)

What city was Jesus lost in at the age of 12?

It is commonly believed that Jesus was about 12 when he remained in the city of Jerusalem at the temple while his parents left to return to their home. After the first day of travel, in the evening, Mary and Joseph discovered that Jesus was not with the friends they thought he was traveling beside.