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Stephen was thought to have been a fairly young man when he died. However, we do not have a precise age.
His age at death was unknown but he was apparently quite young, either in his 20s or 30s.

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Q: How old was Saint Stephen when he died?
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Stephen was a Christian martyr who was stoned to death for his faith. His martyrdom is recorded in the Bible in the book of Acts. As the first Christian martyr, Stephen's devotion to God and forgiveness of his persecutors led to his recognition as a saint in the Christian tradition.

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St. Stephen was not "ordained" a saint. He was, however, ordained a deacon. He was declared a saint by popular acclamation. He died over a thousand years before a formal canonization process was instituted.

When did Saint Stephen become a saint?

Saint Stephen was one of the first Christian martyrs and was revered as a saint shortly after his death, around the 1st century AD. His feast day is celebrated on December 26th.

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When is the Saint Stephen's Day?

St. Stephen's Day, or the Feast of St. Stephen, is a Christian saint's day celebrated on 26 December in the Western Church and 27 December in the Eastern Church.Hope this helps.

How did Saint Stephen I die?

Pope Saint Stephen I apparently died of natural causes although he was listed as a martyr for many years. The Depositio episcoporum of 354 speaks of Pope Stephen I as not a martyr and he is not celebrated as such by the Catholic Church.

How did Saint Stephen become a saint?

Saint Stephen was one of the first deacons of the early Christian Church. He was known for his faith, preaching, and miracles. He was martyred for his beliefs and became the first Christian martyr, which contributed to his recognition as a saint in the Catholic Church.

How old was Saint Stephen the Martyr when he died?

A:Acts of the Apostles contains a brief account of Stephen being appointed a deacon of the early church and of his subsequent martyrdom, but does not tell how old he was. Raymond E. Brown (An Introduction to the New Testament) says that we can never verify the martyrdom or even existence of Stephen, in whcih case it is a moot point how old he was.