

How old was Anakin when he became Darth Vader?

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Minnie Crist

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Q: How old was Anakin when he became Darth Vader?
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How old is Darth Vader in episode 6?

Darth Vader is approximately 45 years old in "Episode VI: Return of the Jedi." He was born as Anakin Skywalker in "Episode I: The Phantom Menace" and turned to the dark side in "Episode III: Revenge of the Sith."

Who was Darth Vader's old master?

Darth Vader's old master was Obi Wan.

How old was Anakin in episode 3?

Anakin Skywalker is 22 years old in episode III and is a Jedi knight under the apprentice of obi wan kenobi and diseased Jedi master Qui-Gon Jinn.

Who is more famous overall sonic the hedgehog or Darth Vader?

Well, obviously, it's sonic because darth vader is not THAT old.

How old is Darth Vader when he died?

Anakin Skywalker got his legs chopped off and was badly burned in Episode 3 when he battled his Jedi mentor, Obi Wan Kenobi in a lightsaber duel on the planet Mustafar, when Anakin was 23. He was mortally wounded when he turned good again to kill the Emperor in Episode 6, when he was estimated at age 45.

Who killed Anakin Skywalker?

in the end of star wars episode 6 nobody really kills Darth Vader/anakin skywalker but when he is throwing the emperor off the thing he gets shocked by his sith lightning and it keeps running trough his body because he is mostly made of metal so that's how he dies.In a way Darth Vader actually kills Anakin in Revenge of the Sith when he turns to the Dark Side of the Force, as hinted at by Obi-Wan Kenobi in Return of the Jedi.Anakin wasn't killed in the strictest definition. He redeemed himself when he saved his son Luke from being electrocuted to death by the Emperor, but doing so caused the lightning to compromise Vader's suit, which was pretty much a life support system. So Anakin's death was more of a sacrifice

How old is Darth Vader?

around 45 to be exact when he died aboard the second death star

How old is Luke Skywalker when he kills the emperor?

Well, technically, Luke Skywalker didn't kill the Emperor: Darth Vader (now brought back to his original self: Anakin Skywalker) did. But Luke was 23 years old at the time

Is Darth Vader considered a super hero?

No, as Darth Vader plays an antagonist role in the original trilogy, though as Anakin Skywalker in the Old Republic movies he does play the role of a central protagonist, in Episode II & III. Darth Vader generally imposes horrific events on the main protagonist Luke, cutting of his arm, killing Kenobi, locking up Leia, freezing Han in carbonite, slaughtering Luke's Aunt and Uncle etc., actions consistent with any antagonist in any form of entertainment: Joker-Batman, Voldemort-Harry Potter. Hope this helps! :D

Does yoda know Darth Vader?

Yes of course he does he saw young 9 year old Anakin Skywalker become and jedi in front of him and he also saw him become a sith in an attempt to save his wife from a certain death

What are the clone wars sithin Star Wars?

The Sith that were active in the Clone Wars were (I am only answering ones that are in the movies- I don't count Star Wars: The Clone Wars because it is not live action): Master: Darth Sidius (aka Emperor Papalpatine)- undercover Sith Lord who secretly fights to destroy the Jedi- he reveals himself in Revenge of the Sith, but we all knew who he was:) He was killed by Anakin Skywalker (aka Darth Veder) at the fall of the Empire in Return of the Jedi. Apprentice: Darth Tyranus (aka Count Dookoo)- a falled Jedi, he was one of the twelve who left the Jedi order (his and the other's who left's-excluding Anakin Skywalker- busts are seen in the Archieve Room in the Jedi Temple in Attack of the Clones). He is killed by Anakin Skywalker (aka Darth Vader) in Revenge of the Sith- but that was all apart of the Emperor's evil plan. Darth Vader (aka Anakin Skywalker)- is also a fallen Jedi. At the begining of the Clone Wars, when he was twenty, he married the older Senator Padme Amidala (formerly the Queen of the Naboo). Three years later she became pregnant and Vader had preminitions about he death in child birth. Trying to save her from death Anakin went to his advisor Emperor Papalpatine (aka Darth Sidius) who told him he could save his wife from certain death if he joined the Dark Side and worked with him to find the secrets of Darth Plagus the Wise (who was Darth Sidius's master and Vader's creator). There quest failed when Anakin became Vader in a firey battle with his old master Obi Wan Kenobi, who defeated him and took Padme to the Med Star where she delivered Luke and Leia unbeknownst to Vader who was taken back to Courascant where he was given that amazing black suit. Luke eventually brought his father back to the Light where he was reunited with his wife- who was also apart of the Living Force, though not a Jedi. Sub-Apprentice: General Grievous (his Darth ------- name is unknown)- is a Twi' Leik leader who was mortally wounded when found by Darth Tiranius (aka Count Dookoo) who gave him an two options- 1. to have his race completely wiped out and die after, or 2. to become his apprentice and have his mind altered.... and not have his race wiped out. Grievous became Dookoo's apprentice and became the bionic-bad-guy in Revenge of the Sith. He was killed by Obi Wan Kenobi on Uputapa. There you go I hope I helped you and didn't bore you. Wrong Grievous is no sith and you forget Darth maul! Sith: Darth Maul Darth Vader (Anakin Skywalker) Darth Sidious (Plapatine) Darth Tyranus (Dooku) Dark jedi: Dark jedi are not real sith... Assaj Ventress Savage Opress Grievous is just a cyborg who uses lightsabers but he is not force-sensitive...

What was Luke Skywalker's father's name?

Darth Vader, formerly Anakin Skywalker. Anakin Skywalker was born on Tatooine. He had no Father. Anakin was raised by his mother, Shmi Skywalker. When he was 9 years old, Qui-Gon Jin gambled for him from Anakin's master. He was raised as a Jedi, and fell in love with and married Padme Amidala, Former Queen and Senator of Naboo. They had a secret marriage, and she became pregnant with Luke and Leia Skywalker. She died when she had them, and Obi-Wan Kenobi took them to Anakin's Step-brother and Step-sister-in-law, because Anakin turned to the Dark side.