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Neil was 38 when he first stepped onto the moon. Buzz was 39

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Q: How old was neil when he first stepped on the mon?
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How old was Neil Armstrong when he first stepped onto the moon?


How old was neil Armstrong when ge stepped on the moon?

He was a little baby doody head.

What is old man by neil young about?

An old man. He was the groundskeeper at Neil Young's ranch when he first bought it.

How old was Neil Armstrong when he ventured onto the moon?

Neil Armstrong was 39 years old when he first walked onto the moon.

Who was the first astronaunt to walk on the moon?

Neil Armstrong was the first person on the moon! and the first Russian astronaut to go to space was Yuri Gagarin when he was 26 years old.

Was Neil Armstrong first man on the moon?

no it was all a hoax to prove it theres no wind on the moon and the flag was moving and there was shadows in pictures and there is no light and there is no stars in the pictur and there is stars in the sky The same old arguments that have been disproved time and time again. Yes he was.

How old was Neil when he when into space for the first time?

Armstrong was 35 years old when he flew on Gemini 8.

How old was the first man to land on the moon?

Neil Armstrong was 37 years old when he walked on the moon.

Who was the first man on the moon and which country was he from?

The first prson to go to the moon was Neil Armstrong, no he is not dead he lives in Ohio.

How old is Neil Alden Armstrong?

neil alden Armstrong is 79 years old

How old is Neil Cavuto?

Neil Cavuto is 52 years old (birthdate: September 22, 1958).

How old was neil armstronge when he went on the moon?

Neil Armstrong was 39 years old in 1969.