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i dont no how old he was ask him

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Q: How old was samuel de champlain when he first explored?
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How old was Samuel De Champlain when he explored?

1 year old

How old was Samuel de Champlain?

Samuel De Champlain was 68 years old opon his death in 1635

When and how did Samuel De Champlain die?

Samuel De Champlain died on 1567 on Christmas Day. He died from old age.

What was the age of Samuel de Champlain's wife?

Hélène Boullé, the wife of Samuel de Champlain, was 12 years old when she married him in 1610.

Who was Samuel de Champlain married to?

Champlain was married to a 12 year old girl

How old was Samuel de Champlain when he died?

Samuel de Champlain was 61 years old when he died on December 25, 1635.

What is Samuel Champlain's nationality?

Samuel De Champlain's nationality was French. He was born in the town of Brouage, France which was an old seaport in the time of his birth.

How old was Samuel de Champlain when he started sailing?


Did Samuel Champlain get married?

Yes he did he Married A 12 year old girl

Is Samuel De Champlain Married?

Samuel De Champlain was married when he was alive. He was married to a 12 year-old girl named Helene Boulle when he was 40. She abandoned him later and became a nun.

Samuel de Champlain who he married and time?

he married a 12 year old girl

Where did Samuel de Champlain come from?

Samuel De Champlain came from Brouage, France. He's birth date is not defined but is estimated around 1565-1580. Other answers you hear is wrong. Samuel De Champlain died Christmas Day, December 25, 1620 in Quebec. Samuel De Champlain has a wife which is 36 years younger than him. The wife is Helene and she was 12 years old when she got married.