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Events in the Universe are often dated from the Big Bang. But the fact is, NOBODY KNOWS what (if anything) happened before the Big Bang. The Big Bang MAY have been the start of time itself; but it is possible that the Universe existed (in some form) forever in the past.

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Q: How old was the universe when the big bang thory happened?
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If there was no universe or plants where did the big bang happen?

It happened in the center of the universe, for which it is still expanding on the universe.

What happened after big bang?

universe started moving away

What is a result of the big bang?

The big bang began the expansion of spacetime with great rapidity. The Universe began with the Big Bang. In other words both space and time began at the big bang. The big bang started the Universe from the point t=0.

What would've happened if the big bang never took place?

No big bang, no universe, no stars, no life on any planet, nobody here to ask what would've happened without a big bang.

Where was the universe one trillion years ago?

The big bang happened then!

What happened to The Big Bang Theory?

The matter present in the Universe began to become more and more dense and this huge density originates the big bang. That was the beginning of the Universe.

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Energy and space and time all came into existence when the universe was created. It happened when the Big Bang happened 13.7 billion years ago. We have no scientific understanding of anything before the Big Bang.

Why were there particle's before the big bang?

Nobody knows for certain what happened before the Big Bang exploded, or why it exploded when it did explode. Astronomers have determined much of what happened back to the Big Bang, but, Nobody knows anything, about what happened before the massive explosion that started the universe we live in now, and for the last billions of years. There are countless unanswered questions about the pre Big Bang universe that might never be answered.

What happend after a few seconds of the big bang?

Right after the big bang happened, the universe was expanding at a speed of light. While it was expanding, it started to cool itself down since the big bang caused the universe to heat up to ridiculous temperature.

How could a new universe be created from a big crunch?

For starters, the universe was formed from a big bang not crunch.When the big bang happened a bunch of rocks and gases were in space.The rocks and gases then clumped together and then planets were formed.

When big bang happened?

In general Big Bang theory puts our currently known universe at about 13 billion years old (that's 13,000,000,000 years.)

What happened 3 mintues after the big bang?

Neutrons combined with protons to form the Universe's deuterium and helium nuclei in a process called the Big Bang nucleosynthesis