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dont see how this applies to teen dating but uh... Wouldnt this person be 20 years old? kind of a redundant question.

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Q: How old would a 20 year old person be on Saturn?
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How old would a seventeen year old person be on Saturn?

76 and if you were six you would be 15

How old would a 12 year old be on Saturn?

if you are 12 you would probally 70 - 80 yrs old

How old would a nine year old be on Saturn?

I think it depends on their gender

How old would a 11 year old be on Saturn?

If you could survive there, you would be the same age.

How old would a human be on Saturn?

A complicated question, however in light of recent advances, scientists believe that the age of a person on Saturn is approximately equal to the age of the person.

How old will an adult be on Saturn?

Just as old as he would be on earth since psysical position has little to do with amount of time that has passed since someone left the uterus. If you wear to measure a persons age in Saturn years though, one year on Saturn roughly equals 29,5 earth years. That means a person 59 earthyears old will be 2 saturnyears.

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How old is this person 1978?

To present year 2010, that person would be 32 years old.

If you are eleven yeas old how old would you be on Saturn?

Assuming you are 11 years old on Earth, you would be about 1/3rd (11 / 29.4) Saturn-years old.

How old would a 36 year old person be if he were born on Jupiter?

3 years old

How old is somebody if they were born in the year 1966?

The person would be 45 years old!

Would you go out with a 12 year-old boy if you were a 13 year-old girl?

if he's a great person it's possible that that relationship would work