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depends on when you where born

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Q: How old would you be if you lived on Uranus?
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How old would you be if you lived on uranus was born in 2009?

If any of you still remained, it would turn 4 on your birthday in 2013.

What would happen to a human if he lived on Uranus?

he would freeze or sufficate.

If you are 11 how old will you be on Uranus?

11 of course... it has lived since you were born

How old would a 13 year old be on Uranus?


Are there any myths or legends on the planet Uranus?

People lived on Uranus.

How old would you be on Earth if you are 14 on Uranus?

A @year' on Uranus takes just over 84 'Earth' years - therefore you would be 1,176 Earth years old !

How old would a 9 year old be on Uranus?

9 Years To young

How old would you be if you were 11 and you were gong by planet Uranus years?

6 year in normal years is 1 years in uranus years so if you were 12 on earth you would be 2 on uranus

If you are 11 how old would Uranus be?

you would be 1 year and 6 months!

How old would a 10 year old be on Uranus?

A 10 year old would be 10 earth years old or `0.12 Uranian` years of age. Uranus takes 84 years to orbit once around our sun. An 84 year old on Earth is a one Uranian year old.

How old would Nero be now if he has lived?

The emperor of Rome live many centuries ago so even if he lived to be an old man, he would not have lived until today. No man has lived to be 1,800 years old.

How old would you be on uranus if you were born April 6 2000?

11 years old. The same age as you would be anywhere else.