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I'm no dentist but in these type of circumstances i would seriously consider a dentist to answer this one but the cavity can turn into gingivitis. My sister had a cavity on her tooth, of course she was only 9 so she would lose it. Your teeth or tooth may hurt but you did it to yourself. if you really need to get rid of it then seriously consider brushing you teeth more, less sugary food, and no more fats. I HOPE THIS HELPS :)

P.S. I'm only 11 :) very smart

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Q: How one can remove cavities of tooth?
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Is it possible to have two cavities in one tooth or is the dentist just trying to double-charge for one filling?

It's possible to have two different cavities in one tooth. It's also possible that it is just one cavity, but it is on two surfaces of the tooth. Each tooth has five surfaces. Each surface added to a filling will be more money.

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Avoid Cavities and Tooth Decay Prevent Bad Breadth Avoid Periodontal Disease Remove Stains

Does tooth soap get rid of cavities?

yes, does get rid of cavities but only if it is used correctly.

What are dental caires?

tooth decay or cavities

Why are cavities yellow?

Not all cavities are yellow. Some cavities are yellow because the outer covering of the tooth has started to dissolve.

What is amalagam used for?

One use for an amalgam is the silver mixture used to fill tooth cavities.

What is coronal cavities?

Coronal cavities are any cavities associated with the tooth that doesn't occur on the root. This is basically any part of the tooth you can see in the mouth unless you have exposed root surfaces due to gum recession.

Does cpap use cause tooth cavities?

No. You are just breathing room air, the same as when you are sleeping without a CPAP.

When do cavities usually hurt?

Cavities typically begin to hurt as the decay gets close to the nerve of the tooth. Once that happens it is time to either get a root canal and crown or have the tooth removed.

Is teeth's cavities correct?

A tooth can have a cavity or many cavities. Teeth will have cavities. A better way to say it may be 'The dentist filled the cavities in her teeth' rather than trying to say 'The dentist filled the teeth's cavities.'

Do dentists write down exactly where each cavity is on a tooth?

Yes, Dentist's record where your problem area's are. Sometimes, cavities are visual, (on the surface). Othertimes, cavities are inside your tooth. Dentist's take X-ray's of your mouth, and based on these X-ray's they can pin point exactly where your problems are. There are 5 surfaces on a tooth, and one or more can be affected by a cavity. That is why it is very important to write down on a dental chart where the cavities are located on each tooth, and all dentists generally do it.

How many cavities in teeth does a person have?

Well i heared from my friend that you should have 8.