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Q: How oxygen becomes availiable to a muscle tissue for respiration?
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What type of respiration does muscle cells perform?

Aerobic respiration is the type of respiration that takes place in resting muscle tissue. This is in contrast to the anaerobic respiration that happens when muscles are exercised.

When a muscle starts working hard. How do you think oxygen and nutrient needs change?

Need more oxygen for respiration. more nutrients for muscle growth.

When is anaerobic respiration utilized in your bodies?

Anaerobic respiration occurs whenever oxygen can't be delivered to the muscle when it needs to contract.

What do you think happens to the amount of blood flowing to that muscle?

To which muscle, and in what situation? If a muscle is being used, it requires more oxygen, and so requires more blood flow (to carry the oxygen to it, and to carry away C02 from respiration/ products of anaerobic respiration - lactic acid?)

What is oxygen being passed from the blood to a bicep muscle cell an example of?

Internal respiration

What is the end product and an effect of anaerobic respiration in muscle tissue?

Lactic acid and oxygen debt

What following reaction takes place in your muscle cells?

cellular respiration if there is enough oxygen. Lactic Acid fermentation if there is a lack of oxygen.

What do muscle cells use when they can't get oxygen for cellular respiration?

Your muscle cells use the energy released in cellular respiration to synthesize new compounds to maintain its tissues; to transport material in and out of its cell; and to perform its mechanical function of expanding and contracting.

What is the ultimate fate of oxygen gas in cellular respiration?

it is used in the Kreb's cycle and becomes CO2

What does oxygen become in cellular respiration?

It becomes part of the carbon dioxide and water molecules which are produced.

When lactate builds up in a runners muscle it causes a burning sensations. What causes this to occur?

The muscles do not have enough oxygen for aerobic respiration.

What is respiration using oxygen called?

Aerobic respiration is the respiration that requires oxygen. It needs oxygen in order to generate ATP. Anaerobic respiration does not require oxygen.