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So lets say we cut down the plants in a habitat there is nothing for the consumers to eat. So they will leave the area or starve.

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Q: How people influence the energy cycle?
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The water cycle has very little influence on the weather anywhere.

Where does the energy cycle comes from?

Sun is the source of energy. Energy cycle comes from it.

What is the energy source that drives the watre cycle?

The energy source behind the water cycle is solar energy. It is the only energy which initiates water cycle.

How can a sperm influence the menstrual cycle?

Sperm doesn't influence the menstrual cycle. Obviously the exception would be if pregnancy occurred.

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Solar energy is the source of energy behind the carbon cycle.

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The energy that drives the water cycle is from the Sun.

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evaporation , condensation, precipitation are the processes which influence hydrologic cycle. Water transforms into different states.

What factors influence a person's choice to conserve energy?

Factors that influence a person's choice to conserve energy include the cost of energy, environmental concerns, personal values, government regulations, convenience of energy-saving practices, and access to energy-saving technology. Additionally, awareness of the impact of energy consumption on climate change and the desire to reduce one's carbon footprint can also play a role in motivating energy conservation efforts.

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Source of energy is the sun.

What is the source of energy that the water cycle?

The sun is the source of energy that creates the water cycle.

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How does food and energy pass around a cycle?

The matter of the food passes in a cycle; the energy does NOT. The energy comes from the Sun, is used here on Earth, and most of the energy is eventually radiated out into space. There is no cycle there.