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That is really good question though,I always wondered about it.

Physics is a science based on experimental, observative and quantitative measurement. It is the study of nature and the laws governing the nature and how energy and matter are related to each other.

Physics in daily life examples:

1)We walk, walk fast, run, jog, jump into a bus etc. All these or any type of motion is associated with Newton's law of motion.

2) When we talk, our vocal cords vibrate producing sound.

3) When we eat food, the chemical energy of the food is being converted into mechanical energy which we use to do different types of work.

4). The electricity is our house is a gift of Physics. Hydroelectric project is the method in which water is used to generate electricity. The mechanical energy of the water is converted into electrical energy using dynamo.

5.refrigerator works on the principles of thermodynamics

6. Pressure cookers, washing machines, music system, computers all work on the principle of Physics.

7. Automobiles, trains, aircraft all work on the concepts of Physics.

8. While you are reading this article the working of your eye is similar to the working of a camera which again belongs to Physics.

9. Mobile phones working on microwaves also uses Physics to connect people from different parts of the world.

10. Writing using Pen, writing on whiteboard using marker all are the sole properties of Physics.

11. Rain, snowfall, lightening, thunder, wind, sea breeze etc all owe their existence to the laws of Physics

As mentioned in the beginning, the above list is endless. Any phenomenon of our daily life you consider, we an surely bring Physics in it.

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