

How progesterone treats amenorrhoea?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: How progesterone treats amenorrhoea?
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Can amenorrhoea cause cervical cancer?

No. Cervical cancer is caused by HPV, which is a sexually transmitted virus. Yearly Pap tests can almost always prevent HPV from progressing to cervical cancer. Amenorrhoea is simply the absence of menstrual periods, which can have many underlying reasons.

What elements are in progesterone?

progesterone: C21 H30 O2

What hormone prepares the uterus for pregnancy?

FSH (Follicle stimulating hormone) Oestregen LH (Lutenising hormone) Progesterone

What is the molecular formula for progesterone?

The chemical formula of progesterone is C21H30O2.

Is progesterone a carbohydrate?

No. Progesterone is a steroid hormone, and is classified as a lipid.

Why do birth control pills contain progesterone apex?

Progesterone controls release of eggs

When is progesterone is being released?

progesterone is released after the egg is released from the ovary.

What is the target organ for progesterone?

The target organ for progesterone is the ovary and the embryo

What hormones are responsible for maintaining a healthy uterine lining?


Why do birth control pills contain progesterone?

if a woman is breastfeeding her child, it is healthier for her child if her bc contains progesterone, rather than estrogene. progesterone controls the release of eggs

What food cointain progesterone?

progesterone is a hormone that is produced by a female during pregnancy.