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Q: How protozoans different from chromists?
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What makes algae different from protozoans?

Algae are autotrophs, while protozoans are heterotrophs.

How are protozoans different from animal cells?

Probably the most obvious difference is that protozoans are single-celled, while animals are multi-cellular.

Are protozoans fungi?

NO! never mistake protozoans from fungi, they are a completely different organism and have no relations except that they are both uni cellular organisms

How is a parasite different from bacteria?

Protozoans are eukaryotes. Bacteria are prokaryotes.

How is a protozoan parasite different from bacteria?

Protozoans are eukaryotes. Bacteria are prokaryotes.

Are protozoans are unicellular or multicellular?

protozoans are unicellular organisms

Do protozoans have skeleton?

No Protozoans do not have skeleton. They are unicellular organisms.

How can marine organisms be classified?

the classifications are plankton , nekton, and benthos

What is study of protozoans known as?

The study of protozoans is part of microbiology.

How are protozoans classified In The 5 Kingdoms?

Protozoans are in the Kingdom Protista.

Malaria is caused by these protozoans?

Malaria is produced by parasitic protozoans.

What eats an amoeba?

Amoeba are protozoans. They eat algae and other protozoans. Protozoans are eaten by zooplankton in the marine environment.