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Q: How protruding and easily movable anthers increase pollination in wind pollinated flowers?
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What is the use of protruding and easily movable anthers?

protruding and easily movable anthers help in wind pollination.

How would you make sure that a seed was produced from 2 plants that you wanted to breed?

remove the anthers or stigmas of the two plants to prevent accidental or self-pollination after you have hand pollinated them

Do wind pollinated flowers have large anthers?


What is the pollination process of the flower?

Transfer of viable pollengrains fron anthers to the stigma is pollination.

Why is the stigma a different height than the anthers?

The anthers and stigma occur at different heights to prevent self fertilization and to encourage cross fertilization.

How did mendel control pollination in his plants?

Mendel was interested in the offspring of two different parent plants, so he had to prevent self-pollination. He removed the anthers from the flowers of some of the plants in his experiments. Then he pollinated them by hand with pollen from other parent plants of his choice. When pollen from one plant fertilizes another plant of the same species, it is called cross-pollination.

Where is the flower's pollination stored before pollination?

Before pollination, the pollen grains are stored in the anthers (male part) of the plant. During pollination, an insect (such as a bee) flies to the flower for nectar and some pollen from the anthers rubs off on it. When the bee travels to another flower, the pollen sticks to the stigma (female part). After pollination, fertilization can begin. Hope this helps.

What is the difference between self-pollenation and cross-pollenation?

self pollination means transfer of pollen from the anthers to the stigma of the same flower. Cross pollination means transfer of pollen from the anthers of one flower to the stigma of another flower.

What are the characteristics of self pollinated plants?

There are two types of pollination, cross pollination and self pollination. self pollination occur when male part (androecium) of the flower of one plant pollinated on the female part (gynoecium) of the same individual. usually plant with self pollination will have characteristics like: 1. the anther and the stigma are matured at the same time - meaning the stigma are ready to receive the pollen grains at the same time as the anther mature to release it pollen grains. 2. the pollen grains and the stigma are compatible. (means stigma can accept the pollen grains-there is no rejection of pollen grains)

Why do plants release large number of pollen grains?

There are a lot of adaptations, and they are different depending on how the plant is pollinated. For example in wind pollinate species, the anthers hang out of the flower so they can get dispersed by the wind, the pollen is usually smooth or has air sacs and the stigma is feathery to increase the surface area and also hangs out of the flower.In animal pollinated species, the anthers are usually prominently displayed so the pollinator can find them, the pollen is spiky so it can attach to the pollinator and the stigma is located somewhere the pollinators can get to it and is sticky. These are just generalizations and there are many variations on this theme.

Does removing the pistil and stamen from a flower help it last longer?

yes, this is a common practice used with some cut flowers (such as Lillium) to extend the life of the flower - if the anthers or stigma is removed the flower is less likely to be pollinated (accidentally or through self pollination), and the petals will remain in place for much longer

What is pollination in plant?

In some plants example pea,wheat and rice, the anthers and stigmas of bisexual flowers ripen before opening of buds.self pollination occurs before the flower opens.