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Q: How quickly does a sloth grow?
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How big can a sloth get?

a sloth can grow up to be 5cm

How does sloth grow?


What is the appearance of a sloth?

Algae grow on it

Why do sloths grow moss?

The sloth does not grow moss, the moss does.

How big does a sloth grow?

they grow to up to 5 metres long

How big can sloth grow to?

Sloths grow up to 5 metres long

Do sloth grow long claws?

Yes , to facilitate climbing .

What animal travels only two or three feet a minute?

To know this you've only to think of very slow creatures such as the snail or the (sloth)Sloth's don't even travel at 1metre per day! sloth's in the rainforest because it is so wet grow moss on their fur

Why does green algae grow in a sloths fur?

Green algae grows in a sloth's fur because the sloth's slow movement and low body temperature provide an ideal environment for algae to thrive. The algae benefits from the moisture and warmth in the sloth's fur, while the sloth gains camouflage from the green coloration. This relationship is a form of symbiosis where both the sloth and the algae benefit.

How big are baby sloth?

When a baby sloth is born, it weighs between 3 and 5 pounds. They grow very slowly much like a human child does.

How can you grow tall quickly?

It has to be your bday to grow

Why do sloths get a green coating on there fur?

Sloths will grow algae on their fur, it is a beneficial relationship for both parties since the sloth will get the algae closer to the sun so it can grow and gather nutrients, and the algae provides the sloth with beneficial nutrients which itabsorbsthrough its skin.