

How religious are the Roman Catholics?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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As with any religion, there are those who are quite 'religious' and follow the teachings of the Church quite strictly and attend Mass each Sunday and Holy Day of Obligation. Others are baptized as Catholics but Catholic in name only and rarely attend Mass - except, of course, on Christmas, Easter and Ash Wednesday or for funerals and weddings. Sometimes they are referred to as 'cockroach Catholics' as they only sneak out of the woodwork on a few special days. Then there are those known as 'cafeteria Catholics' who may attend Mass regularly but 'pick and choose' what they will follow as far as teachings and doctrine. The same situation is common in many religions. In the Jewish faith there are 'ethnic Jews' and religious, or practicing Jews. In Mormonism there are practicing Mormons and 'Jack Mormons' who are baptized but not practicing.

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