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Salmonella typhimurium spreads by contact between the mouth, and dirty food, uncooked food, or warm uncooked meat. S. Typhumurim lives on dirty food, uncooked foods, and warm uncooked meats. Salmonella infections are a zoonotic disease meaning that the infection can spread between animals and people. Salmonella is transmitted from animals to humans and humans to humans by the fecal oral route. Salmonella can be passed from one person to another through poor hygiene. Salmonellacan be passed from one person to another by not properly washing hands after using the bathroom.

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9y ago
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12y ago

Many infections are due to eating contaminated food, such as milk, meat and eggs It has also been shown that in children, contamination can be achieved by the inhalation of bacterial laden dust. Other reasons are poor kitchen hygiene, polluted water such as in shower hoses, polluted standing water, as association with reptiles.

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10y ago

Salmonella bacteria move around using cilia or flagella. Bacteria will move around its environment in most cases to find food for its survival. Some bacteria are good for our bodies while others are harmful.

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10y ago

Salmonella is spread by eating contaminated food and coming into contact with animal feces. Salmonella lives in the intestines of humans and animals.

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15y ago

One way is by eating something with peanut butter in it.

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11y ago

They attack the cells in the intestines. They penetrate the wall and damage the cells, then attacking the bloodstream.

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10y ago

Salmonella typhi attacks the body by causing vomiting, diarrhea, severe abdominal cramps and fever. There is no vaccination against it and it should be allowed to run its course.

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16y ago


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